Share css-modules compiled class names over pre-processers
Share css-modules compiled class names over pre-processers!
npm i premodules-loader --save-dev
What's the problem
css-modules is a great workaround to generate scoped css. However since scoped css are tightly bound with js files that import them, when you are trying to write a reusable component, you're possibly getting a headache - how can other developers override the default styles in my components?
What if we can import class name maps into sass/less/stylus code?
How it works
As is explained in this article, this loader executed twice in the webpack workflow by the following order:
Create directives:
Use some directives to interpolate class names into source code - surely it should be converted to sass/less/stylus hashes.
Use variable interpolation syntax to define class name, e.g.
${map-get($comp, 'main')}
in sass.Process css-modules output:
Restore twice-transformed class names to the previous one (both in stylesheet and class map).
Save the class map for interpolation.
Webpack config (execute twice):
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.scss/,
loaders: [
'premodules?restore', // restore here!
'premodules?parse', // parse here!
premodules: {
transformer(varName, hash) {
// custom code transformer
Components define:
// button.js
import React from 'react';
import styles from './button.scss';
const Button = () => (
<button className={style.button}>click me</button>
export default Button;
// button.scss
.button {
border-radius: 3px;
Your react app:
// app.js
import React from 'react';
import './app.scss';
const App = () => (
<Button />
// app.scss
@module './button.scss' => $comp;
#{map-get($comp, 'button')} {
background: #123;
Directive Syntax
// import node_modules
@module 'module_name/dir/file' => $var;
// or use relative/absolute path
@module '/path/of/module' => $var;
Customize Transformer
Default transform is designed for scss
code transformation, write your own transformer to support your pre-processor.
Transformer function receives two parameters:
: variable name defined in directivehash:object
: css-modules exported class name map
A typical transformer may like this:
// scss transformer
// `@module './comp.scss' => $comp` -> `$comp: ( key: value, ... )`
const transformer = (varName, hash) => {
if (!hash) return '';
const main = Object.keys(hash).map(key => `${key}: '.${hash[key]}'`).join(',');
return `${varName}: (${main});`;
Must import all stylesheets you need into JavaScript code, otherwise it won't be passed through webpack.
Importing files that declared with
directives in your sass/less/stylus codes may cause breaks (pre-processors won't understand this directive).