a builder used to generate api at apiary and update client lib on npm
A builder used to generate an api at apiary/generate client lib and publish client lib to npm
1.Install swagger-codegen command line tools at
2.npm install -g cli-codegen
3.Easiest to run this code while app is running and swagger is at localhost:8000/swagger.json
4.Look at if swagger location different.
##Example First:
npm install predeploy-builder
var builder = require('builder');
var config = {
client: { //required for .makeClientLib(),writePackage() and publish()
file: 'File name' //not required,
classname: 'classname for javascript gen' //required for js
language: 'language to generate lib for' //required
apiary : {
token: 'your apiary account token' //required
name: 'your apiary api name' //required,
sub_domain: 'This is used to point readme to your proper api location in apiary' //required for writeReadme()
package: { //Anything not passed in will be pulled from project package file that was used to generate lib
name: 'name that will go in package' //not required
version: 'version that will go in package' //not required
description: 'description that will go in package' //not required
author: 'author that will go in package' //not required
license: 'license that will go in package' //not required
port: 'port your api is hosted on' // will default to 8000 if not passed in
var build = new builder(config);
###genDocs: Note: right now you can only push docs that are in .yaml format
build.genDocs( (err,result) => {} )
//This Method is used to publish api to apiary
build.makeClientLib( (err,result => {} )
//This Method is used to generate client library for a language based on config from earlier.
build.writePackage( (err,result) => {} )
//this Method is used to write a package file in order to prep for npm publish
build.writeReadme ( (err,result) => {} )
//This Method is used to write a pointing to apiary docs.
build.publish( (err,result) => {} )
//This method is used to publish the newly made client lib to npm
###Note: makeClientLib(),writePackage() and publish() should all be used togeather. Only makeClientLib() can work on its own.