A utility to remove artifacts from PowerPoint files, such as comments, notes, and metadata.
A utility to remove artifacts from PowerPoint files, such as comments, notes, and metadata.
How to use
import { pptxSweep } from "pptx-sweep";
const sourceFile = "powerpoint.pptx";
const targetFile = "powerpoint-swept.pptx";
await pptxSweep(sourceFile, targetFile, {
remove: {
totalTime: true,
core: {
title: true,
creator: true,
lastMofiiedBy: true,
revision: true,
created: true,
modified: true,
thumbnail: true,
notes: true,
comments: {
modern: true,
legacy: true,
authors: true,
view: true,
type SweepOptions = {
remove: {
totalTime?: boolean;
core: {
title?: boolean;
creator?: boolean;
lastMofiiedBy?: boolean;
revision?: boolean;
created?: boolean;
modified?: boolean;
thumbnail?: boolean;
notes?: boolean;
comments?: {
modern?: boolean;
legacy?: boolean;
authors?: boolean;
view?: boolean;
| Option | Description |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| remove.totalTime
| Remove the total time of the presentation. |
| remove.core.title
| Remove the title of the presentation. |
| remove.core.creator
| Remove the name of the person who created the presentation. |
| remove.core.lastMofiiedBy
| Remove the name of the person who last modified the presentation. |
| remove.core.revision
| Remove the revision number. |
| remove.core.created
| Remove the date and time the presentation was created. |
| remove.core.modified
| Remove the date and time the presentation was last modified. |
| remove.thumbnail
| Remove the thumbnail image. |
| remove.notes
| Remove the (presenter) notes. |
| remove.comments.modern
| Remove the modern (2018 spec) comments. |
| remove.comments.legacy
| Remove the legacy (2006spec) comments. |
| remove.authors
| Remove the list of authors. |
| remove.view
| Remove the view settings. |