Embed-able, responsive reports from PowerBI
Standard PowerBI reports provide a single, static layout (and optional, secondary layout when viewed with PowerBI mobile app). This presents some challenges when embedding these within responsive UI's.
To support this, we can take advantage of the ability to build a report from multiple pages, each with their own dimensions. Once a report is prepared in this way, this library enables embedding and dynamic view selection.
Report Structure
Build your initial PowerBI report as you would any other. For pages where you wish to support responsive layouts:
- Duplicate the page
- Set custom dimensions
- Using a format similar to CSS media queries, include any restrictions* within the page title. These should be enclosed in square brackets.
parameters are supported with values inpx
For example, to enable responsive layouts for a page titled MyReport
, create the following pages:
MyReport [min-width: 960px]
MyReport [min-width: 768px, max-width: 1200px]
MyReport [max-width: 768px]
When embedded, an appropriate view is selected (and updated if resized) and then scaled to match the final view dimensions.
Where more than one page satisfies the restrictions of the current view, the first (left-most in PowerBI report editor) is used. When no layouts meet restrictions, the first will also be shown.
With your build system
Get the package
npm install --save-dev powerbi-responsive
Import it
import { embedReport } from 'powerbi-responsive';
Embed away
const container = document.getElementById('embedContainer');
const id = '<report id>';
const token = '<access token>';
embedReport(id, token, container)
.then(() => console.log('Loaded!'))
From a CDN
Add the script to your page
<script src="//unpkg.com/powerbi-responsive/dist/bundle.min.js"></script>
This will bootstrap the powerbi-client and expand it to provide responsive report embedding
powerbi.embedResponsiveReport(id, token, container)
.then(() => console.log('Loaded!'))
To embed reports, you must supply a JSON web token that grants access to the resource. There are two strategies for providing these and their usage will depend on your application requirements.
User owns data
For applications where all users are also PowerBI users, authentication should follow Azure Active Directory's OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow. The secured resource
requested must be https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api
If using this approach you must inform powerbi-repsonsive that you are using an AAD token via an embed option:
powerbi.embedResponsiveReport(id, token, container, {tokenType: 0})
.then(() => console.log('Loaded!'))
App owns data
For use cases where all users of your application need to be provided with access to a report, the PowerBI API provides an endpoint for generating embed tokens. To access this, your application back-end must first authenticate with Azure Active Directory in order to gain access to the PowerBI API. This can be achieved via the resource owner flow / password grant type.
curl -X POST https://login.windows.net/<tennant id>/oauth2/token \
-d grant_type="password" \
-d client_id="<your client id>" \
--data-urlencode client_secret="<your client secret>" \
--data-urlencode resource="https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api" \
--data-urlencode username="<service account user>" \
--data-urlencode password="<service account pass>"
Once authenticated, generate a report view token via PowerBI's GenerateToken endpoint. If required, this request may also include identity information (user, roles) for preserving row-level security within the embedded report.
curl -X POST \
https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/<group id>/reports/<report id>/GenerateToken \
-H 'authorization: Bearer <bearer token from above>' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{ "accessLevel": "View" }'
The token returned may then be safely passed to your front end.
A note on security: do not attempt to generate these tokens from your front end. Your
should remain that, a secret. Similarly, the bearer token returned from Azure Active Directory contains the identity information of your service account and should not be provided to clients.
Interacting with reports
When embedding a report you will be provided with a Promise
. If there is an issue with authentication, access to the report, or access to the PowerBI service this will reject with an object containing the error details. Otherwise, it will resolve with a an object containing a set of report actions. These may be used by your application to interact with the embedded report.