Angular2 components for enumerating, rendering and interacting with reports hosted in an Azure PowerBI Embed workspace.
Angular components for enumerating, rendering and interacting with reports hosted in an Azure PowerBI Embed workspace. This package will work with both ng2 and ng4.
Install via npm:
npm install --save powerbi-ng2
Import the module into your main module (generally app.module.ts):
import { PowerBIModule, ReportsListServiceConfig } from 'powerbi-ng2';
let _reportsListAPIEndPoint: string = "end point of your reports list Web API enumerating the reports and providing accesss tokens";
const config:ReportsListServiceConfig = {
WebAPIServiceUrl: 'end point of your reports list Web API enumerating the reports and providing accesss tokens'
bootstrap: [ ... ],
declarations: [
imports: [
Note: This module depends on the Microsoft PowerBIEmbed Javascript API. Version 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 introduced naming based incompatibilities See Issue #225. Therefore, the module requires 2.3.4 or higher as a dependency.
Note: If you use this module in conjunction with Universal (ng2), make sure to include PowerBIModule before UniversalModule as there is a conflict between the standard ng http module imported by it and the ony used by Universal. See [https://github.com/angular/universal-starter/issues/167] and [https://github.com/angular/universal/issues/536#issuecomment-247762794] for more information.
Use the various components inside your angular components. Use the ReportsListService to get a list of available reports from your workspace for navigation purposes and to get embed tokens for a particular report (alternatives, you can use the ReportsList component for that purpose).
Note that the components depend on a service endpoint (_reportsListAPIEndPoint above) for enumreation of reports and token generation. See Sample Report Service for a sample implementation of such a service using .NET Web Api 2.0.
Check out the Wiki for detailed documentation on components, models and providers.