This lib clone potree-core lib
Potree Core
- This project was originally based on Potree Viewer 1.6 and is now since version 2.0 based on the shiukaheng fork of the Potree-Loader.
- Potree is a web based pouint cloud visualizer project created by Markus Schütz.
- This project contains only the main parts of the potree project adapted to be more easily used as a independent library, the code was adapted from the original repositorys.
- Support for pointclouds from LAS, LAZ, Binary files and Greyhound server.
- Supports logarithmic depth buffer (just by enabling it on the threejs renderer), useful for large scale visualization.
- Point clouds are automatically updated, frustum culling is used to avoid unnecessary updates (better update performance for multiple point clouds).
How to use
- Download the custom potree build from the build folder or add it to your project using NPM.
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/potree-core
- Include it alonside the worker folder in your project (can be found on the source folder).
- Download threejs from github repository.
- https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/dev/build
- The build is a ES module, that can be imported to other projects, it assumes the existence of THREE namespace for threejs dependencies.
- The project can be build running the commands
npm install
andnpm run build
- Live demo at https://tentone.github.io/potree-core/
- Contains the same model multiple times stored in different formats.
- Double click the models to raycast the scene and create marker points.
- Bellow its a fully functional example of how to use this wrapper to load potree point clouds to a THREE.js project
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, 1, 0.1, 10000);
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.style.position = "absolute";
canvas.style.top = "0px";
canvas.style.left = "0px";
canvas.style.width = "100%";
canvas.style.height = "100%";
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas:canvas});
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});
var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, canvas);
camera.position.z = 10;
var points = new Potree.Group();
Potree.loadPointCloud("data/test/cloud.js", name, function(data)
var pointcloud = data.pointcloud;
function loop()
renderer.render(scene, camera);
document.body.onresize = function()
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize(width, height);
camera.aspect = width / height;
- Since potree-core is meant to be used as library and not as a full software as potree some features are not available.
- EDL shading is not supported by potree core.
- Removed classification and clipping functionality.
- Removed Arena 4D point cloud support.
- GUI elements were removed from the library
- PotreeViewer
- Controls, Input, GUI, Tools
- Anotations, Actions, ProfileRequest
- Potree.startQuery, Potree.endQuery and Potree.resolveQueries
- Potree.timerQueries
- Potree.MOUSE, Potree.CameraMode
- PotreeRenderer, RepRenderer, Potree.Renderer
- JQuery, TWEEN and Proj4 dependencies
Potree Converter
- Use the (Potree Converter)[https://github.com/potree/PotreeConverter/releases] tool to create point cloud data from LAS, ZLAS or BIN point cloud files
- Potree Converter 1.8 creates a multi file structure with each node as an individual file.
- Potree Converter 2.1 creates a single file for all points and separates files for hierarchy index, its faster to create files. Requires a HTTP server configured for file streaming.
- Tool to create hierarquical structure used for point-cloud rendering using potree-core.
- There are two main versions 2.1 witch generates 4 contained files with point data, hierarchy,
- To generate a folder output from a input file run the command
.\PotreeConverter '..\input.laz' -o ../output
- The potree converter tool only supports las and laz files, so textural file formats such as .pts, .xyz, have to be first converted into a supported format.
- The TXT2LAS tool from the (LASTools)[https://github.com/LAStools/LAStools] repository can be used for this effect.
- To run the tool use the command
.\txt2las64 -i input.pts -ipts -parse xyziRGB -set_scale 0.001 0.001 0.001 -set_version 1.4 -o output.laz
API Reference
- The project has no generated documentation but bellow are some of the main configuration elements.
- A example can be found in the repository
- Container that stores point cloud objects and updates them on render.
- The container supports frustum culling using the point cloud bouding box.
- Automatically stops updating the point cloud if out of view.
- This container only support pointColorType set as RGB, pointSizeType set as FIXED and shape set as SQUARE.
Complete container with support for all potree features.
Some features require support for the following GL extensions
EXT_frag_depth, WEBGL_depth_texture, OES_vertex_array_object
- Method to load a point cloud database file
Potree.loadPointCloud(url, name, onLoad)
Material used by threejs to draw the point clouds, based on RawShaderMaterial
- Defines the shape used to draw points
- Potree.PointShape.SQUARE
- Potree.PointShape.CIRCLE
- Potree.PointShape.PARABOLOID
- Defines the shape used to draw points
- Defines how the point cloud points are sized, fixed mode keeps the same size, adaptive resizes points accordingly to their distance to the camera
- Possible values are
- Potree.PointSizeType.FIXED
- Potree.PointSizeType.ATTENUATED
- Potree.PointSizeType.ADAPTIVE
- Defines how to color the drawn points
- Possible values are
- Potree.PointColorType.RGB
- Potree.PointColorType.COLOR
- Potree.PointColorType.DEPTH
- Potree.PointColorType.HEIGHT
- Potree.PointColorType.INTENSITY
- Potree.PointColorType.INTENSITY_GRADIENT
- Potree.PointColorType.LOD
- Potree.PointColorType.POINT_INDEX
- Potree.PointColorType.CLASSIFICATION
- Potree.PointColorType.RETURN_NUMBER
- Potree.PointColorType.SOURCE
- Potree.PointColorType.NORMAL
- Potree.PointColorType.PHONG
- Potree.PointColorType.RGB_HEIGHT
- Set true to enable logarithmic depth buffer
- If true points are drawn as weighted splats
- Defines the type of point cloud tree being drawn by this material
- This should be automatically defined by the loader
- Potree.TreeType.OCTREE
- Potree.TreeType.KDTREE
- Base Object3D used to store and represent point cloud data.
- These objects are created by the loader