Perform rapid conversation and validation of JSON structure between Postman Collection Format v1 and v2
Postman Collection Transformer
Perform rapid conversion of JSON structure between Postman Collection Format v1 and v2.
The formats are documented at
For CLI usage:
$ npm install -g postman-collection-transformer
As a library:
$ npm install --save postman-collection-transformer
Converting Entire Collections
The transformer provides a Command line API to convert collections.
$ postman-collection-transformer convert \
--input ./v1-collection.json \
--input-version 2.0.0 \
--output ./v2-collection.json \
--output-version 1.0.0 \
--pretty \
All options:
$ postman-collection-transformer convert -h
Usage: convert [options]
Convert Postman Collection from one format to another
-h, --help output usage information
-i, --input <path> path to the input postman collection file
-j, --input-version [version] the version of the input collection format standard (v1 or v2)
-o, --output <path> target file path where the converted collection will be written
-p, --output-version [version] required version to which the collection is needed to be converted to
-P, --pretty Pretty print the output
--retain-ids Retain the request and folder IDs during conversion (collection ID is always retained)
-w, --overwrite Overwrite the output file if it exists
If you'd rather use the transformer as a library:
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
collection = require('./path/to/collection.json'),
inspect = require('util').inspect,
options = {
inputVersion: '1.0.0',
outputVersion: '2.0.0',
retainIds: true // the transformer strips request-ids etc by default.
transformer.convert(collection, options, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
// result <== the converted collection as a raw Javascript object
console.log(inspect(result, {colors: true, depth: 10000}));
Converting Individual Requests
The transformer also allows you to convert individual requests (only supported when used as a library):
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
objectToConvert = { /* A valid collection v1 Request or a collection v2 Item */ },
options = {
inputVersion: '1.0.0',
outputVersion: '2.0.0',
retainIds: true // the transformer strips request-ids etc by default.
transformer.convertSingle(objectToConvert, options, function (err, converted) {
Converting Individual Responses
You can convert individual responses too if needed:
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
objectToConvert = { /* A v1 Response or a v2 Response */ },
options = {
inputVersion: '1.0.0',
outputVersion: '2.0.0',
retainIds: true // the transformer strips request-ids etc by default.
transformer.convertResponse(objectToConvert, options, function (err, converted) {
Normalizing v1 collections
The transformer also provides a Command line API to normalize collections for full forward compatibility.
$ postman-collection-transformer normalize \
--input ./v1-collection.json \
--normalize-version 1.0.0 \
--output ./v1-norm-collection.json \
--pretty \
All options:
$ postman-collection-transformer normalize -h
Usage: normalize [options]
Normalizes a postman collection according to the provided version
-i, --input <path> Path to the collection JSON file to be normalized
-n, --normalize-version <version> The version to normalizers the provided collection on
-o, --output <path> Path to the target file, where the normalized collection will be written
-P, --pretty Pretty print the output
--retain-ids Retain the request and folder IDs during conversion (collection ID is always retained)
-w, --overwrite Overwrite the output file if it exists
-h, --help Output usage information
If you'd rather use the transformer as a library:
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
collection = require('./path/to/collection.json'),
inspect = require('util').inspect,
options = {
normalizeVersion: '1.0.0',
mutate: false, // performs in-place normalization, false by default.
noDefaults: false, // when set to true, sensible defaults for missing properties are skipped. Default: false
prioritizeV2: false, // when set to true, v2 attributes are used as the source of truth for normalization.
retainEmptyValues: false, // when set to true, empty values are set to '', not removed. False by default.
retainIds: true // the transformer strips request-ids etc by default.
transformer.normalize(collection, options, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
// result <== the converted collection as a raw Javascript object
console.log(inspect(result, {colors: true, depth: 10000}));