ES6 wrapper for PostgreSQL database connections using generator async flow controls.
PostgreSQL database wrapper that provides helpers to query the database.
- Select, Insert, Update and Delete Query Builders
- Merge Command allowing insert or update in one command
- Suspend integration for generator-based async control-flow
- Idle Connection Auto Closer
- No transpiling required
- ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)
- Node.JS 6.2.2 or later (tested on 6.2.2)
jsdoc documentation
npm install postgresjs
Copy the dbConfig.ex.json file into your project source folder, rename to dbConfig.json, and update with your database connection information.
asynchronous nature
All methods that include a callback (cb) have been designed to be used with the suspend library and may be placed behind a yield command. Be sure to leave the cb parameter null to use the suspend.resume functionality automatically.
IMPORTANT: You will also need to set the resume reference in the constructor or the setResume() method, before the suspend.resume functionality will be enabled.
If you do provide a callback, the 3rd parameter, "next" (ex: cb(err,result, next)) will be the suspend.resume function reference so you may resume execution to move past the next yield command.
basic example
var suspend = require("suspend");
var Postgresjs = require("postgresjs");
//Attach your dbConfig to the Postgresjs module
Postgresjs.config = require('./dbConfig.json');
var db = new Postgresjs(suspend.resume);
suspend(function*() {
yield db.start();
//... place query methods here ...
yield db.end();
accessing rows
There are 3 ways to loop over the resulting rows of a query.
1: Standard callback.
yield db.query("select email from friends where user_id=? ;",[userid],
function(err,rows,cbResume) {
for (let row of rows) {
//move past the yield
2: Rows Getter.
yield db.query("select email from friends where user_id=? ;",[userid]);
for (let row of db.rows) {
3: Async Looping (non-blocking)
yield db.query("select email from friends where user_id=? ;",[userid]);
yield db.asyncForEach(function(index,row,cbNext) {
checking for errors and rowcount
After every query you should check if it was an error.
if (db.error()) {
console.error("Database error: ",db.error());
And you may also want to check how many rows were returned before looping.
if (db.rowCount > 0) {
//.. loop
} else {
console.log("No rows found.");
auto closer
Enabling auto closer in the dbConfig.json file allows database connections that you leave open to be automatically close after a timeout interval provided in minutes.
By default this is not enabled, however you may want to keep this enabled and watch the console to see if the auto closer picks up on any open connections so you can address it and proprely close it when you are done.
merge utility
Conditionally insert or update a row. If the row exists, update the columns; otherwise, insert as a new row.
See Merge Helper below.
query helpers examples
The Helpers will help you build SQL statements and provide parameterized values which safeguard your queries from SQL injections. Any property that is labled as "value" will be converted to a parameter internally.
Select Helper
yield db.selectHelper({
where: db.whereHelper({
"username -like":"t%"
orderBy: db.orderByHelper({
for (let row of db.rows) {
//Output example: {username:"Tester",email:"[email protected]"}
Insert Helper
yield db.insertHelper({
"email":"[email protected]"
Update Helper
yield db.updateHelper({
table: "users",
columns: {
"email":"[email protected]"
where: db.whereHelper({
Delete Helper
yield db.deleteHelper({
table: "users",
where: db.whereHelper({
Merge Helper
yield db.mergeHelper({
table: "users",
columns: {
"email":"[email protected]"
where: db.whereHelper({