Export PostCSS color variables to Galen Test Suite syntax
CSS/Sass Colors to Galen Variables
This plugin compiles Sass/CSSS Color variables and exports them to a Galen Test Suite configuration file containing all the colors defined so that they can be referenced in your testing.
This package is built to run on its own, as you may want to just pull the colors out without actually compiling a CSS stylesheet from your CSS. To install run:
npm install
How to use
There are a few variables that can be set when using this script. These are designed to offer the greatest flexibility for your project
var galenColors = require('postcss-galen-color-variables')
galenColors.convert([source], [destination], [label])
- Source
The source is the relative location of your CSS file containing the variables you wish to convert to Galen color variables
- Destination
The destination is the relative location where you like the gspec file to be written
- Label
The label allows you to create a template for the variables using the {key}
and {type}
parameters. Key is the variable name and type is the color type, eg Hex, RGBA and RGB. An exmaple of a label would be:
Source CSS
// CSS Variables
:root {
--cssColor: #242424;
// SASS-style variables
$sassColor: #242424;
colorCssColorRGB rgb(36, 36, 36)
colorCssColorRGBA rgba(36, 36, 36, 1)
colorCssColorHEX #242424
colorSassColorRGB rgb(36, 36, 36)
colorSassColorRGBA rgba(36, 36, 36, 1)
colorSassColorHEX #242424