Transpile CSS modules to Elm.
PostCSS Elm Modules
Transpile CSS modules to Elm.
npm install --save-dev postcss-elm-modules
yarn add -D postcss-elm-modules
What does this plugin do?
This plugin creates valid Elm modules from CSS modules.
For example, consider the following CSS module:
.foo {
color: tomato
.bar {
color: gold
This plugin will then create an Elm module based on example.css
, containing a record of the selectors and their locally-scoped versions:
-- Elm CSS Module, generated by postcss-elm-modules
module Styles exposing (styles)
styles =
{ foo = "file__foo---2-9NY"
, bar = "file__bar---7FSOM"
You can then use these selectors much as you would when using CSS modules in JavaScript:
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Styles exposing (styles)
main =
h1 [ class ( ++ " " ++ ] [ text "Hello, World." ]
Plugin arguments
This plugin takes a single object as an argument, with the following valid properties:
cssModules: Object<bool, string>
cssModules.enabled: bool
Enable CSS modules. Defaulttrue
.cssModules.scopePattern: string
The scoping pattern to use. Default'[name]__[local]---[hash:base64:5]'
dir: string
Directory where the Elm module will be written. Default ''
log: bool
Log the output to console. Default true
moduleName: string
The name of the Elm module to write. Default 'styles'
Example PostCSS config
module.exports = {
plugins: [require('postcss-elm-modules')({
cssModules: {
enabled: true,
scopePattern: '[name]__[local]---[hash:base64:5]'
dir: '',
log: true,
moduleName: 'styles'
atRule arguments
You may optionally set the moduleName
and dir
inline, using an atRule. For example:
@elmModule Foo src;
.foo {
color: tomato
.bar {
color: gold
This will write an Elm module Foo.elm
at directory src/
Try it out.
An example is available in this repo. Use the command yarn example
or npm run example
to try it out.
If you prefer authoring your styles in CSS rather than in Elm, and if you prefer the scoped selector approach offered by CSS Modules, consider giving this plugin a try.