Provides a lookup service for Postboard tokens.
Postboard Lookup Service
Provides a lookup service for Postboard tokens.
This example configures the lookup service with its built-in Knex storage engine.
const Confederacy = require('confederacy')
const PostboardLookup = require('postboard-lookup-service')
// Define your knexfile, either by requiring it...
const knexfile = require('../location/of/knexfile.js')
// ...or by defining it directly
const knexfile = { // See the Example Knexfiles section
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
// ...
// ...
const knex = require('knex')(knexfile)
const confederacy = new Confederacy({
managers: {
// ...
lookupServices: {
Postboard: new PostboardLookup({
storageEngine: new PostboardLookup.KnexStorageEngine({
🔶 Create Your Migration
You will also need to create a new database migration in your application to allow the storage engine to create its table before use. Point your Knexfile to a directory in your source code where you will store your application's database migrations, if you do not have one already. Normally, this can just be src/migrations. Create a new knex database migration file with the following contents in your codebase:
// src/migrations/yyyy-mm-dd-001-add-uhrp-lookup.js
const PostboardLookup = require('postboard-lookup')
const engine = new PostboardLookup.KnexStorageEngine({
exports.up = async knex => {
await engine.migrations[0].up(knex) // This sets up the UHRP service
exports.down = async knex => {
await engine.migrations[0].down(knex) // This tears down the UHRP service
Example Knexfiles
Use these example knexfiles to connect to various database engines
client: 'mysql',
connection: {
host: '',
port: 3306,
user: 'user',
password: 'changeme',
database: 'example'
useNullAsDefault: true,
migrations: {
directory: './path/to/migrations'
sqlite3 (so you can store headers in a local file)
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: './path/to/database.sqlite'
useNullAsDefault: true,
migrations: {
directory: './path/to/migrations'