Toolkit for all api that poscon expose to the public
poscon-api-toolkit is a node dependency wirtten to allow easy access to POSCON API.
This package offers:
- Easy access to ATC and flights data
- Automatic update of flight data
- Automatic parsing for all data
- Easily controllable update rate
This package is provided as is. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by using this package.
you must meet these requirments on your machine:
- Node 12+
Node API usage requirements:
>= 6.5.0
Get Started
Download the dependency using the following options: npm :
npm i --save poscon-api-toolkit
or yarn:
yarn add poscon-api-toolkit
After import, you can use AtcData, FlightData, FlightTracker
to listen to provided values.
SDK is imported using:
new AtcData
instanciate an AtcData object with no args.
new FlightData
instanciate a FlightData object with no args.
import {AtcData, FlightData} from 'poscon-api-toolkit';
const atcApi = new AtcData();
const flightApi = new FlightData();
- Interval type
: time inms
passed after each stream update this can be at minimum 35000ms => 35 seconds. - Callsign* is type
String | Array<String>
: a callsign or a series of callsigns that can be tracked. - operator* type
String | Array<String>
: an operator or a series of operators that can be tracked. - acType type
String | Array<String>
: an aircraft type or a series of aircraft types that can be tracked.
Complete example
import { FlightData, AtcData } from 'poscon-api-toolkit';
/* SDK Calls example*/
const flighData = new FlightData();
//get current flights by routes (ex: CTA -> FCO)
const flightsByRoute = await flighData.getFlightsByRoute('LICC', 'LIRF');
//get current flights by operator (ex: EZY)
const flightsByOperator = await flighData.getFlightsByOperator('EZY');
//get current flight by callsign (ex: EZY123)
const flightsByCallsign = await flighData.getFlightsByCallsign('EZY123');
// get All flights
const allFlights = await flighData.getAllFlights();
//get current ATC data
const atcData = new AtcData();
// NOTE All options are optional the data will be fetch according to the options provided.
const options = {
fir : 'LIRR',
position : 'LIRR.LICC.TWR.CCT',
telephony : 'CATANIA TOWER',
type : 'TWR',
userId : '1013048',
userName : 'Some Name',
const atcOnline = await atcData.getAtc(options);
//get current ATC by date in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)
const atcOnline = await atcData.getAtcByDate(date);
//get upcoming ATC
const atcUpcoming = await atcData.getUpcomingAtc();