Parts of speech of dictionary words organized into a trie for fast uplook.
Parts of Speech Dictionary Trie
This is a module that builds a dictionary trie from user input or a file. It matches a word with its part of speech. For example, a dictionary trie is created in this format:
You can build a trie from a list of 83,000 words in ~10 secs and the lookup is fast. You may want to use the code in order to build your own trie with other associated data, i.e. definitions, word origins, etc.
It uses the pos-js utility written by Percy Wegmann to parse words into their parts of speech.
How to install
$ npm install pos-dict-trie
const trie = require('pos-dict-trie');
const fs = require('fs');
// Builds initial trie from user input
let Trie = new trie.DictionaryTrie({ a: { b: ["ab", "NN"]}});
console.log(newTrie.getTrie()); // => { a: { b: ["ab", "NN"]}}
// Builds trie from a file
let anotherTrie = new trie.DictionaryTrie({}),
fileToRead = path.join(__dirname, './yourFileToRead.txt');
anotherTrie.buildTrieFromFile(fileToRead) // File must be in single-lined format
.then(result => console.log(result)); // => Returns your trie in a JSON string
// Writes a built trie into a file
let fileToWriteInto = path.join(__dirname, './yourFileToWriteInto.json');
).then(() => {
(result) => console.log(result), // => success message
(error) => console.log(error) // => error message
// Search the trie and returns the part of speech
let t = anotherTrie.getTrie();
anotherTrie.searchTrie(t, 'word').then(
(result) => console.log(result), // => part of speech of the word
(error) => console.log(error) // => Will return "word not found" if not
// Multiple searches at once
anotherTrie.searchTrie(t, 'walk'),
anotherTrie.searchTrie(t, 'shoes'),
anotherTrie.searchTrie(t, 'readily'),
]).then(result => {
console.log(result) // => returns all three in an array ['VB', 'NN', 'RB']
// The two methods below are intended for small sized tries.
// Add word to the trie
anotherTrie.addToTrie('aWordToAdd'); // => returns the trie with the word added
// Removes word from the trie
anotherTrie.removeFromTrie('aWordToRemove') // => returns the trie with the word removed