Front-end SDK to embed the PG Widget to a frontend Dapp.
Keyring Widget
This is a front-end SDK to embed the Keyring Widget to a React dapp.
The Keyring Widget contains two main components:
- Status Indicator Component: to visualize the user's Keyring status
- Adaptive modals depending on user Keyring status – especially for onboarding new user's via KYC & AML data vendors and to update Keyring on-chain credentials.
The SDK also include a Keyring Provider which shares the context of the user with the consuming React dapp via hooks.
Integration (currently not publicly available)
npm install @keyringnetwork/frontend-sdk
# or
yarn add @keyringnetwork/frontend-sdk
Local Development
git clone https://github.com/Keyring-Network/frontend-sdk.git
cd frontend-sdk
npm install
npm run rollup
yarn link
# cd into consuming React dapp (portalgun-compliance-ui)
yarn link @keyringnetwork/frontend-sdk