A simple CLI based pomodoro
This is a basic CLI app that allows you to do pomodoro''s in the command line. When the pomodoro is complete it will send a growl message.
How to install it
To install it you will need to have node.js or io.js installed.
To install run:
npm install -g pomodoro
How to use it
Usage: pomodoro [task] [options]
task This is the task you are going to do. When the pomodoro iscomplete it will say the time is done on that task
-a, --add Add a new item that can be processed later
-r, --remove Remove items that we have saved to disk
-s, --show Show all the items in the file
--start Start running the top item in the list
-b, --break Time a break and be notified when to start again. Pass in the amount of munites to break for.
-v, --version writes the version to the screen
This package uses node-notifier to trigger desktop notifications. As stated in their docs, their requirements are as follows:
- macOS: >= 10.8 or Growl if earlier.
- Linux: notify-osd or libnotify-bin installed (Ubuntu should have this by default)
- Windows: >= 8, task bar balloon if earlier or Growl if that is installed.
- General Fallback: Growl