Polymesh local environment for development and e2e testing
Polymesh local environment for development and e2e testing
Tool for managing a Polymesh development or CI environment. This environment includes:
- 3 Polymesh nodes (ws on :9944)
- A Polymesh SubQuery instance
- A PostgreSQL instance (Served on :5432)
- Rest API for interacting with the chain (Served on :3004)
- Polymesh UIs (Dashboard on :3000, Bridge on :3001, Token Studio on :3002, Governance on :3003)
- Tooling-gql, a GraphQL interface to query historic chain data. (Served on :3007)
Individual pieces can be brought up by using the --only
flag on start
NOTE: This package requires docker and docker-compose to run. They must be installed on the user's system beforehand. The docker daemon must be running for this tool to work
NOTE: For Mac and Windows users, docker should be allocated at least 4GB of memory. This can be done through the docker UI
Getting Started
The easiest way to run polymesh-local is to grab the latest release from npm.
npm i -g polymesh-local
polymesh-local start
The first time can take a while as the various docker images are pulled in. After the initial start it should be much quicker. The full set of commands can be seen with help
Creating a CDD + uID
In order to interact with the UIs you will need the Polymesh wallet browser extension installed, as well as a CDD + uID claim for your account.
To create a CDD claim you can use https://app.polymesh.live/, add in your wallet address in Addresses > Address Book. Then navigate to Developer > Extrinsics. There select testUtils
> mockCddRegisterDid
and select your account. After a CDD has been generated you can use the mock uID provider to add a uID claim to your wallet.
After creating the CDD claim you will likely want to transfer POLYX from Alice to your account as well. This can be done in app.polymesh.live under Accounts > Transfer.
Building From Source
When developing polymesh-local, commands can be executed with ./bin/run COMMAND
, which will execute the repo's code. It can be packaged and installed locally with:
yarn build:ts
yarn pack # produces a .tgz file that can be installed
npm i -g polymesh-local-v3.0.0.tgz # specify the file created from previous step
$ npm install -g polymesh-local
$ polymesh-local COMMAND
running command...
$ polymesh-local (-v|--version|version)
polymesh-local/4.1.0 linux-x64 node-v14.19.1
$ polymesh-local --help [COMMAND]
$ polymesh-local COMMAND
polymesh-local clean
polymesh-local configure
polymesh-local help [COMMAND]
polymesh-local info
polymesh-local load FILE
polymesh-local ls
polymesh-local rm FILE
polymesh-local save [name]
polymesh-local start [OPTIONS]
polymesh-local stop [OPTIONS]
polymesh-local clean
Clean removes the chain data so the next start is starts at a genesis block. Services must be stopped for this command to work
$ polymesh-local clean
-h, --help show CLI help
--verbose enables verbose logging
See code: src/commands/clean.ts
polymesh-local configure
Manages the configuration file for polymesh-local
$ polymesh-local configure
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/configure.ts
polymesh-local help [COMMAND]
display help for polymesh-local
$ polymesh-local help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
polymesh-local info
Prints service connection information
$ polymesh-local info
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/info.ts
polymesh-local load FILE
Loads a snapshot into the data directory. Services must be stopped for this command to work
$ polymesh-local load FILE
-h, --help show CLI help
--verbose enables verbose logging
See code: src/commands/load.ts
polymesh-local ls
Lists current snapshots
$ polymesh-local ls
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/ls.ts
polymesh-local rm FILE
Removes a snapshot
$ polymesh-local rm FILE
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/rm.ts
polymesh-local save [name]
Saves current chain state into an archive file
$ polymesh-local save [name]
NAME A name or path for the snapshot
-h, --help show CLI help
--verbose enables verbose logging
See code: src/commands/save.ts
polymesh-local start [OPTIONS]
Start all the services
$ polymesh-local start [OPTIONS]
(Advanced) Specify a Polymesh runtime. ci-dev has reduced block times letting it process transactions faster than
-c, --clean
Cleans state before starting
-h, --help
show CLI help
-i, --image=image
(Advanced) Specify a local docker image to use for Polymesh containers. Such an image should be debian based and
have the polymesh node binary set as its entrypoint
-o, --only=chain|subquery|gql|rest|uis
[default: chain,subquery,gql,rest,uis] Run only some services
-s, --snapshot=snapshot
Loads snapshot before starting. Current state used if not passed
-u, --uiLatest
Clears saved UIs so the latest can be fetched
-v, --version=4.0.0|4.1.1
[default: 4.1.1] version of the containers to run
[default: //Alice] Comma separated list of signer mnemonics. Defaults to `//Alice`
[default: alice] Comma separated list of signers available in the rest api. Defaults to `alice`
The Vault API key to use with the REST API
The URL the Vault transit engine to use with the REST API
enables verbose logging
See code: src/commands/start.ts
polymesh-local stop [OPTIONS]
Stops all services started with the "start" command
$ polymesh-local stop [OPTIONS]
-c, --clean Cleans state after stopping
-h, --help show CLI help
--verbose enables verbose logging
See code: src/commands/stop.ts