Hack your vote out of Polldaddy surveys - used by BBC, Microsoft, Forbes, Pfizer, IBM
:star: Hack your :see_no_evil: vote out of :chart_with_upwards_trend: Polldaddy surveys - used by :moneybag: BBC, Microsoft, Forbes, Pfizer, IBM
Uses a headless browser to visit a poll website and inject JavaScript code to perform the desired poll voting.
- Uses Nightmare :scream: to generate legit traffic on the poll website :white_check_mark:
- Supports Bluebird :bird: promises :white_check_mark:
How to install
npm install pollmommy -g
How to use
Fetch the required parameters
Parameter | Description | How to get it
Poll URL | The poll's website URL. | Polldaddy's poll website or the embedded poll website.
Poll id | The Polldaddy's poll identifier. | Inspect the website HTML code and search for this pattern PDI_containerNUMBER
will be the id.
Poll option id | The Polldaddy's poll option identifier. | Pick the desired option and inspect the website HTML code and search for this pattern PDI_answerNUMBER
will be the id.
Use it in your terminal
pollmommy -u http://bbc.co.uk/should-trump-be-fired.html -i 324345 -o 12939
Use it in your app
Create a pollmommy instance and vote to get Trump fired
const Pollmommy = require('pollmommy')
const pollmommy = new Pollmommy()
pollmommy.vote('http://bbc.co.uk/should-trump-be-fired.html', 324345, 12939)
.then(() => console.log('Voted successfully!'))
.catch((error) => console.error(error.message))
How to contribute
You can contribute either with code (e.g., new features, bug fixes and documentation) or by donating 5 EUR. You can read the contributing guidelines for instructions on how to contribute with code.
All donation proceedings will go to the Sverige för UNHCR, a swedish partner of the UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency, a global organisation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
Used by
- make-porto-win-european-best-destination-2017 - Let's make :city_sunrise: Porto :trophy: win the :euro: European Best Destination :tada: 2017
Read the license for permissions and limitations.