Polaris line-height Plugin for Polaris Framework. A set of responsive classes for controlling the 'line-height' of HTML elements.
Polaris line-height Plugin (v1.4.1)
In addition to the built-in features and components comes with Polaris framework, you can also use a set of useful plugins.
Polaris line-height Plugin contains a set of responsive classes for controlling the line-height
of HTML elements.
Coming soon...
In general for production, Polaris Plugins depend on Polaris Framework Core CSS and/or JS libraries.
However, this specific plugin can be used stand alone. But, for development, it depends on:
- Node.js need to be installed.
- Sass as an npm developement package.
- Polaris Core as an npm developement package.
Get Started
Install via npm
npm install polaris-line-height
Use Polaris CDN
Coming soon...
Download Polaris line-height
Clone Polaris
You can also clone Polaris line-height using git:
git clone https://github.com/heminsatya/polaris-line-height.git
Customize Polaris line-height
First, you need to download or clone it, then you need to follow a few easy steps:
- Open up your favourite CLI program.
- Change directory to the path where Polaris line-height extracted:
cd path-to/polaris-line-height/
- Install packages by:
npm install
Now, you have everything set-up. You can customize it however you want.
Next step after customization is to rebuild the CSS libraries.
- To rebuild the CSS libraries run:
npm run css
npm run css-dev