A phonegap plugin to handle documents (f.e. PDFs) loaded from a URL.
Polar Cape Cordova Plugin Document Handler
A PhoneGap plugin to handle documents (e.g. PDFs) loaded from a URL.
Plugin dependencies
This plugin depends on cordova-plugin-file. If you want to install this plugin you must install first cordova-plugin-file.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
npm install -g polarcape-cordova-plugin-document-handler
npm install polarcape-cordova-plugin-document-handler --save-dev
cordova plugin add polarcape-cordova-plugin-document-handler
The plugin exposes two methods on the window object:
DocumentViewer.previewFileFromUrlOrPath(successHandler, failureHandler, url, fileName, mimeType)
DocumentViewer.saveAndPreviewBase64File(successHandler, failureHandler, data, type, path, fileName)
The parameters:
- successHandler: Should be a function. Is called when the file download is done and the file is shown to the user.
- failureHandler: Should be a function. Is called when there was a problem with downloading the file. The function takes an argument which is usually 1 (undefined error). Also see Android section.
- url: A URL to a document. Any cookies the system has for this server are passed along. This ensures that authenticated downloads also work.
- mimeType: This is optional argument. You should provide it if mimeType cannot be detected by the file itself.
- data: Base64 string that represents the document
- type: Type of the document (Ex. application/pdf )
- path: Should be a path to phone's directory (Android/IOS) where you want to be saved the document before preview. Better use cordova-file-plugin constant to provide correct path.
- fileName: filename is parametar which must contain file extension too. (Ex. 'fileExample.pdf')
The plugin downloads a document and starts an intent, so that other installed applications can open it.
There is a special failure condition on Android, if the system doesn't have any application that can handle the given MIME type. In this case failureHandler
will be called with the error code 53
or if link is invalid error code 2
The plugin downloads the document and provides a preview of the document using the Quick Look framework, including the corresponding actions such as copy, print, etc.
##Important note
If you are using saveAndPreviewBase64File
for Android OS must be provided public path, because third part application cannot access the file.
Choose one from the following:
| Device Path | cordova.file.*
| AndroidExtraFileSystems
| r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
| <sdcard>/
| externalRootDirectory | sdcard | r/w | Yes | No | No |
| Android/data/<app-id>/
| externalApplicationStorageDirectory | - | r/w | Yes | No | No |
| cache
| externalCacheDirectry | cache-external | r/w | Yes | No**| No |
| files
| externalDataDirectory | files-external | r/w | Yes | No | No |
Example 1
function () {
}, function (error) {
if (error == 53) {
console.log('No app that handles this file type.');
}else if (error == 2){
console.log('Invalid link');
'http://www.axmag.com/download/pdfurl-guide.pdf', 'pdf-sample', 'application/pdf');
Example 2
function (success) {},
function (error) {
if (error == 53) {
console.log('No app that handles this file type.');
1.0.13 (27/06/2018)
* Handle files with spaces in their filename on IOS
1.0.14 (30/08/2018)
* Document handler js error fix
1.1.0 (23/06/2019)
* Added optional parameter (mime type) to the previewFileFromUrlOrPath
1.1.1 (30/08/2019)
* fileName parameter implementation (IOS)