pol2yaml - convert Capirca policy and net/svc files to YAML
Convert .pol, .inc policy files and .svc, .net definitions into equivalent YAML files.
pol2yaml runs on NodeJS so it can use the excellent YAML processing tools available in JavaScript. While NodeJS is pre-installed on many operating systems, pol2yaml requires version 18 or above.
Tip: if you are new to using NodeJS, you can quickly check whether NodeJS is installed and what version you have using:
node --version
Tip: if you need to upgrade NodeJS, some have found the following instructions helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10076029.
Once NodeJS is installed, the following invocation will download and run pol2yaml. npx is a program included with NodeJS which can fetch and run JavaScript programs from the NPM registry. See Usage for more details.
npx pol2yaml
Given policy file shown here, "sample_speedway.pol", pol2yaml can convert this to an equivalent YAML file.
header {
comment:: "Sample policy for Speedway Iptables."
comment:: "Speedway generates iptables output suitable for loading"
comment:: "using the iptables-restore command"
target:: speedway INPUT DROP
term base-allow-est-in {
option:: established
action:: accept
term base-allow-icmp-in {
protocol:: icmp
icmp-type:: echo-request
action:: accept
term base-traceroute-in {
protocol:: udp
source-port:: TRACEROUTE
destination-port:: HIGH_PORTS
action:: accept
term base-allow-ssh-in {
source-address:: INTERNAL
protocol:: tcp
destination-port:: SSH
action:: accept
header {
comment:: "Sample output filter policy for Speedway Iptables."
target:: speedway OUTPUT DROP
term base-allow-lo0-out {
comment:: "Allow all loopback communications"
verbatim:: speedway "-A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT"
term base-allow-est-out {
option:: established
action:: accept
term base-allow-dns-query-out {
protocol:: udp
destination-port:: DNS
action:: accept
term base-allow-icmp-out {
protocol:: icmp
action:: accept
term base-traceroute-out {
protocol:: udp
destination-port:: TRACEROUTE
source-port:: HIGH_PORTS
action:: accept
term base-allow-ssh-out {
destination-address:: INTERNAL
protocol:: tcp
destination-port:: SSH
action:: accept
header {
comment:: "Sample forwarding filter policy for Speedway Iptables."
target:: speedway FORWARD DROP
term base-forwarding-deny {
action:: reject
Place the file in a directory named "policies/".
└── policies
└── pol
└── sample_speedway.pol
Then run pol2yaml to convert the file.
$ npx pol2yaml
The resulting file "sample_speedway.yaml":
- header:
comment: |-
Sample policy for Speedway Iptables.
Speedway generates iptables output suitable for loading
using the iptables-restore command
speedway: INPUT DROP
- name: base-allow-est-in
- established
action: accept
- name: base-allow-icmp-in
protocol: icmp
icmp-type: echo-request
action: accept
- name: base-traceroute-in
protocol: udp
source-port: TRACEROUTE
destination-port: HIGH_PORTS
action: accept
- name: base-allow-ssh-in
source-address: INTERNAL
protocol: tcp
destination-port: SSH
action: accept
- header:
comment: |-
Sample output filter policy for Speedway Iptables.
speedway: OUTPUT DROP
- name: base-allow-lo0-out
comment: |-
Allow all loopback communications
speedway: -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
- name: base-allow-est-out
- established
action: accept
- name: base-allow-dns-query-out
protocol: udp
destination-port: DNS
action: accept
- name: base-allow-icmp-out
protocol: icmp
action: accept
- name: base-traceroute-out
protocol: udp
destination-port: TRACEROUTE
source-port: HIGH_PORTS
action: accept
- name: base-allow-ssh-out
destination-address: INTERNAL
protocol: tcp
destination-port: SSH
action: accept
- header:
comment: |-
Sample forwarding filter policy for Speedway Iptables.
speedway: FORWARD DROP
- name: base-forwarding-deny
action: reject
If you want to check that the new YAML file generates the same ACL output, re-run pol2yaml with the --sanity_check
flag. You will first need to copy the def/ directory found in this repository to be adjacent to your "policies/" directory like so:
├── def
└── policies
└── pol
└── sample_speedway.pol
How can I check that the converted files are correct?
It is a very good idea to test that the converted files produce identical firewall confs
when processed by Aerleon. Use the --sanity_check
flag to test for correctness. This will run aclgen on both the original policy files (.pol, .inc, .net, and .svc files) and converted files (.yaml files) and perform a recursive diff to ensure the output is unchanged by the conversion process.
$ npx pol2yaml --sanity_check
Converting policies/pol/sample_ipset.pol
Running sanity check...
Running original files through aclgen...
Running YAML files through aclgen...
Comparing aclgen outputs...
Sanity check passed
No difference should be found between the aclgen output for the original and converted files.
Tip: if you specify --config_file
for pol2yaml and it will be passed on to aclgen by the sanity checker.
Is rule order preserved within terms?
Rules are ordered within a term or header by order of first appearance in the original term or header. In most cases this preserves the order exactly.
Are file comments preserved?
Yes, file comments placed at the top level (outside of a term or header block) appear in the same position in the YAML file. If a term or header block has file comments inside of it, the whole block is preserved as a comment in the YAML file.
Are file names referenced by #include directives altered?
Yes, if an #include directive references a file name with the ".inc" extension, the file name will appear in the YAML output with the extension changed to ".yaml". You can disable this behavior with the --no_fix_includes
Can this convert multiple files at a time?
Yes, this will convert all .pol and .inc files found in the directory given by --base_directory
(default is "./policies"). Each generated file will be placed in the same directory as its input file unless --output_directory
is given.
pol2yaml: Convert .pol, .inc policy files and .svc, .net definitions into equivalent YAML files.
Usage: pol2yaml [--base_directory DIRECTORY] [-c|--config_file FILE] [--definitions_directory DIRECTORY]
[-h|--help] [--no-fix-include] [--output_directory DIRECTORY] [-s|--sanity_check]
* Recursively convert all .pol and .inc files in base_directory.
Original files are left in place. Each YAML files is placed in the same
directory as the original file. Run sanity_check after (-s).
npx pol2yaml -s --base_directory policies/
--base_directory Convert .pol and .inc files found in this directory to
YAML. Original files are left in place. Can be set in
the 'aerleon.yml' config file.
--config_file | -c Defaults to 'aerleon.yml'. Can set base_directory and
Convert .net and .svc files found in this directory to
YAML. Original files are left in place. Can be set in
the 'aerleon.yml' config file.
--help | -h Display this message and exit.
--no_collapse By default, lists will be formatted as space-separated
values on the same line as much as possible. This option
disables this behavior and causes lists to always appear
with one item per line.
--no_fix_include By default, if an #include directive references a file
name with the .inc extension, the file name will appear
in the YAML output with the extension changed to
".yaml". This flag leaves the file name unchanged.
--output_directory Default: current directory. Sets the output directory
where YAML files will be placed.
--sanity_check | -s Run 'aclgen' on both the original and YAML files and
ensure the results are identical.
Sanity check requires that either Aerleon or pipx
are available. To run 'aclgen' it will try each of
the following commands in order:
python3 -m aerleon
python3 -m pipx run aerleon
Programmatic Usage
A JavaScript interface is available with the same capabilities as the command line script.
// Use PolicyFile to convert .pol and .inc files
import { PolicyFile } from "pol2yaml";
// original policy file text.
const text = '';
// set to 'true' if this is an include file (not a complete policy file).
const is_include = false;
// set to 'false' to disable adjusting file name extensions - see --no-fix-include .
const fix_include_names = true;
// the converted file text
const yaml = (new PolicyFile(text, { is_include, fix_include_names })).toYAML();
// Use DefinitionFile to convert .net and .svc files
import { DefinitionFile, DefinitionFileType } from "pol2yaml";
const text = '';
// set according to the input file type
const type = DefinitionFileType.NET; // or DefinitionFileType.SVC
// the converted file text
const yaml = (new DefinitionFile(text, type)).toYAML();