A slackbot for Pokemon Go - it will alert to nearby pokemon.
Pokemon-Go-SlackBot is a bot that announces nearby pokemon to channel(s). Pair this bot with a Slack token, a login for Pokemon Trainer's Club, and a latitude/longitude position to have a helpful Pokemon announcement in any channels you want.
Warning: Since api usage is a bannable offense, don't be surprised if the account is banned after awhile. I suggest using a fake throw away Pokemon Trainer's Club account.
git clone https://github.com/hlfshell/pokemon-go-slackbot.git
cd pokemon-go-slackbot
npm install
node chatbot.js -c config.json
npm install -g pokemon-go-slackbot
pokemon-go-slackbot -c config.json
#Setting up You can use any combination of a configuration file and command line parameters you wish. ##Command Line
Username + password for Pokemon Trainers Club must be provided
Usage: chatbot [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config [filepath] Set configuration json file (can set all below settings)
-u, --username [username] Pokemon Trainer Club username
-p, --password [password] Pokemon Trainer Club password
-n, --name [name] Name of your slack bot
-t, --token [token] Slack bot token
--latitude [latitude] Latitude of scan location
--longitude [longitude] Longitude of scan location
--channels <channels> List of channels to join (comma seperated) ie: general,games,srsbznss,etc
--exclude <pokemon-list> List of pokemon to exclude from announcement (comma seperated) ie: 21,16,17,etc
Configuration file (JSON)
"username": "Pokemon Trainer's Club username",
"password": "Pokemon Trainer's Club password",
"token": "slack token",
"name": "name",
"channels": ["channel"],
"exclude": [21, 16, 17],
"latitude": 38.632699,
"longitude": -90.207765
Running the bot
You must ensure that you log into Pokemon Go at least once with that account - a Trainer's Club account does not mean you have a Pokemon Go account.
Warning: It seems that cloud provider IP address ranges are blocked, so you can't use AWS with this.
Be sure to use the bot-name that you provided slack for that API token. Also, bots will not auto-join rooms - you must invite them into the room before they can post to it.,