Points manipulation,distance and angle calculation and more with 2D coordinate system
Simplify point manipulation and interactions in your 2D projects with this versatile toolkit.Effortlessly calculate distances, areas, collision detection, and more with this collection of handy functions.
How to use
- Installation
npm install pointscape
- Usage
import pointscape from "pointscape";
import {
randomBoolean } from "pointscape";
const distanceBetweenPoints = distance({x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 10, y: 10});
// output: 14.142135623730951
const pointsForTriangle = triangle({x: 0, y: 0}, 10);
// output: [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: -10, y: 0 }, { x: -5, y: 8.660254037844386 } ]
const centralPoint = center(
[{x:0, y: 0}, {x:0, y:10}, {x:10, y:10}, {x:10, y:0}]
// output: { x: 5, y: 5 }
const isInTheRange = inRange(1, 0, 10);
// output: true
const chunks = chunk([1, 1, 1, 1], 2);
// output: [[1, 1], [1, 1]]
const randomBool = randomBoolean();
// output: true or false
Actions with points in XY coordinate system
Actions with points in XY coordinate system
distance(point1, point2)
Returns the distance beetween two points, each point is an object with x and y properties.
Returns the area enclosed by the given points. Takes an array of points as argument, where each point is an object with x and y properties.
collision(point1, point2, collisionDistance, [callback])
Returns a boolean indicating if the two points are closer than the given distance.
collisionInArray(point, radius, points, [callback])
Returns the point that is closer than the radius to the given point, or false if there's no collision.
positionInCircle(point, radius, angleInRadians)
Returns the x and y coordinates for the current point in the circle, given its center point, radius, and angle.
angle(point1, point2)
Returns the angle formed by the connection of two points.
middle(point1, point2)
Returns the midpoint between two points.
nearest(point, points)
Returns the nearest point to the given point from the array.
Returns the perimeter of the figure formed by the given points.
pointWithoutCollision(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, distance, points)
Returns a point that doesn't collide with any of the given points within the specified distance, if such a point exists, otherwise returns false.
randomPoint([xMin], [xMax], [yMin], [yMax])
Returns a random point within the given dimensions, if provided, otherwise in 100 units on both axes.
randomPointInDistance(point, distance)
Returns a random point within the given distance from the specified point.
randomPoints(quantity, [xMin], [xMax], [yMin], [yMax], )
Returns a specified quantity of random points within the given dimensions, if dimensions are provided, otherwise in the range of 100.
Returns the quantity of possible connections among given quantity of points.
Returns the area of the circle.
Returns the center of given points.
farest(point, points)
Returns the farest point to the given point from the array.
rotate(point, points, angleInRadians)
Returns the points rotated around the given point.
sort(points, [coordinate])
Returns sorted array of the points.The coordinate parameter can be "x", "y", or none for sorting both for "x" and "y".
scale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY, points)
Returns the scaled points.
inLine([point1, point2, point3])
Returns boolean value indicating whether or not the given coordinates are on line defined by two other points.
cross(line1Start, line1End, line2Start, line2End)
Returns boolean value indicating if two lines each defined by two points intersect.
move(point, xStep, yStep, count)
Returns an array of points representing a moving point over time. The number of elements in the array is equal to "count". Each element contains coordinates of the point.
square(point, size, [direction])
Returns an array of points representing a shape of square.Takes four parameters: starting coordinates (x and y), size of square side, and direction which should be one of the values "left", "right", "up", "down".
rectangle(point, size, [direction])
Returns an array of points representing a shape of rectangle.Takes same parameters as square function.
triangle(point, size, [direction])
Returns an array of points representing a shape of triangle.Takes same parameters as square function.
pentagon(point, size, [direction])
Returns an array of points representing a shape of pentagon.Takes four parameters: starting coordinates (x and y), size of pentagon side, and the angle of pentagon's rotation.
Converts degrees to radians.
Converts radians to degrees.
inRange(number, min, max)
Returns true if the given number is within the specified range.
roundToPrecision(number, precision)
Rounds the number to the given precision.
Returns the average of all numbers in an array.
intersection(arr1, arr2)
Returns the array of intersection of two arrays.
difference(arr1, arr2)
Returns the array of difference of two arrays.
chunk(arr, perArr)
Returns an array splited into chunks based on elements count per chunk.
Returns the array without duplicates.
sample(arr, [size])
Returns a random sample from an array with optional size argument for sampling length. If not specified, it returns only one element.
randomNumber(min, max)
Returns a random number within the given range.
Returns a random boolean value.
uniqueId([other ids])
Returns a unique ID that's different from the provided IDs, or a random ID if no other IDs are given.