Pico Proof-of-Honor Kernel
This is the kernel for the P2PMMO game: Proof of Honor.
The core is transaction-based and headless meaning that you can send your action-blocks to a buddy and a perfect copy of your character appears in their world.
- it's written ontop of pico
- can use hyperswarm for multiplay
- is totally missing an UI - Please PR/or Issue if you build one!
Objectives / How to play
Once every 24 hours a
append 1 block of actions - each block
must end with either going to sleep at a tavern or death.
Initialize kernel and create a new character:
import { boot } from 'poh'
const kernel = await boot()
const name = 'Duncan the peerless'
const memo = '<Last words on death>'
await kernel.createHero(name, memo)
// character sheet is exposed as a reactive-store
const unsub = kernel.$player(hero => {
console.log('current stats and inventory', hero)
Now that you have a kernel and a hero,
you can begin exploring,
maybe visit the town for some shopping:
import {
I, // Items
A // Areas
} from 'poh/db'
const session = await kernel.beginPVE()
// walk to town
await session.travelTo(A.crossroads)
await session.travelTo(A.town)
// Buy a dagger
await session.interact(0, 'buy', I.dagger, 1)
// Check inventory
kernel.$player(h => console.log('Inventory', h.inventory))()
// Equip the weapon
await session.use(I.dagger)
Good, now we're ready for adventure!
// walk back to crossroads
await session.travelTo(A.crossroads)
// look for trouble
const encounter = await session.explore(0)
console.log('You encountered', encounter)
If a the encounter is hostile, you'll be locked in session.state == 'battle'
at which point you are forced to choose one of the following:
// Hit the critter
result = session.doBattle('attack')
// Use a skill/spell
result = session.doBattle('cast', 'firebolt')
// Attempt escape
result = session.doBattle('run')
Note: Each round you're allowed to use 1 item session.use(I.herb)
before you commit your combat action via session.doBattle()
Once you're happy with your achievements it's time to save state and call it a day:
// goto area with tavern/bed
await session.travelTo(A.town)
// sleep
const [diff] = await kernel.commitPVE()
console.log('gold, xp and stats gained', diff)
note: k.commitPVE()
broadcasts your character to the network
if kernel was booted with swarm K = await boot(Hyperswarm)
Ok that's pretty much the gist of it;
But always keep an eye on:
kernel.$player(hero =>
console.log('current exhaustion', hero.exhaustion)
[!IMPORTANT] All actions that require random/rolls increase
exhaustion > 1024 = DEATH
Checkout test.js:89
'Express gameplay as functions' for a complete
implementation of gameplay.
Checkout testnet.js
for multiplayer/w bots.
Prior attempt / version 0: PoH-2020
- do whatever you wish with your UI / assets
- please PR patches and changes to gameplay, so everyone can play the same game.
- no sublicensing (even if you're a cool dude). the license is the license.
All wrongs reversed 🄯 2024 Tony Ivanov - decentlabs