Pogostick protocol functions
Pogostick Proto
The goal is to have a promises-based, high performance, and transport-agnostic RPC library.
Duplex connections are achieved by having a “client” and a “server” on both sides of the connection.
Primary focus for this RPC is ensuring the future result is always completed. This means if a network connection fails, it eagerly rejects the result instead of trying to reconnect. It is perfectly posssible to reconnect afterwards.
Introductory Example
Http Server
var pogo = require('pogostick-http');
// Define default headers and other configurations.
var mkServer = pogo.server({
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
// returns a http.Server instance
var server = mkServer({
add: function(a, b) {
return a + b;
foo: {
bar: function() {
return "foobar";
Http Browser Client
var pogo = require('pogostick-browser');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var promiseFactory = function(resolver) { return new Promise(resolver); };
var mkClient = pogo(promiseFactory, {
host: 'localhost'
mkClient({ port: 3003 }, function(err, remote) {
if(err) return console.log('there was an error loading the remote');
remote.add(2, 4),
]).spread(function(sum, foo) {
console.log('sum is:', sum);
console.log('foobar is:', foo);
Deep Objects
Pogostick supports using objects as namespaces. It also supports arrays of functions.
// Server
var server = mkServer({
foo: {
bar: function() {
return "foobar";
baz: function() {
return "foobaz";
// etc...
// Client
mkClient({ port: 3000 }, function(err, remote) {
remote.foo.bar().then(function(res) {
console.log('server says: ', res); // -> server says: foobar
Pick-Your-Own Promises
As long as the library you choose follows the Promises/A+ specification, you can use your favourite promises library. You just need to specify the factory function so that pogostick can instantiate the promises for you.
var Bluebird = require('bluebird');
var bluebirdMkClient = pogo.client(function(resolver) {
return new Bluebird(resolver);
var Q = require('q');
var qMkClient = pogo.client(Q.Promise);
var when = require('when');
var whenMkClient = pogo.client(when.promise);
Implicit Parameters
Implicit parameters in Pogostick are inspired by Scala implicit parameters. These were implemented to make it possible to pass authentication tokens and such into remote procedures without having to specify them every time. So, here's an example:
greet: function() {
// You access the implicit values sent by the client through the "this"
// keyword.
return "hello " + this.name + "!";
mkClient({ port: 3000 }, function(err, remote) {
if(err) return console.log('there was an error loading the remote');
var withName = remote.$implicitly('name', 'AGhost-7');
// Using withName, you will automatically send "AGhost-7" to the server.
The client in this case will print to the console Hello AGhost-7
Protocol Specification
The protocol is composed of five methods. ls
, init
, call
, res
, err
and `exit. The method being called is specified on the first line of the
message. Each argument following are separated by a line break.
Identification of the remote calls is necessary for the implementation in raw protocols such as TCP or UDP. Since the Pogostick protocol is transport agnostic, it includes such a requirement, even for the HTTP/HTTPS implementation.
Inspired by implicit parameters in the Scala language, implicits are pogostick's answer to cookies: Pieces of data which are automatically sent to the server, semi-persistent pieces of data between requests. They have some additional limitations when compared to cookies, but for the most part, provide a solution to the problem which comes from not relying on http as much as one could.
Since the protocol is transport-agnostic, which means it could technically be implemented using a tcp connection or some other, I cannot rely on cookies, query strings, or anything of that sort. The only solution which comes to mind is having pieces of data which are automatically sent in the request created by the client.
Protocol Methods
Proc Listing: ls
This is to enable compatibility with the implementation in http. The client must initialize communication by sending a ls request to the server. Server does not send the init packet until ls is requested.
ls -> Method Name
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
Initializer: init
In the initial request done by the client, the method listing for the server is sent to the client. This allows the api to be defined directly on the client object given by the connection constructor. The protocol permits to transfer arrays and objects for the purpose of namespacing. Strings and numbers are not transferred over by the protocol, and are ignored by the client. The number sent at the key of the procedure specifies the number of arguments that the function accepts.
For example:
init -> Method Name
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
{“add”:2,”multiply”:2} -> Procedure Listing
Another example:
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
{“add”: {“default”:3,”two”:2}} -> Procedure Listing
Function Call: call
The call method is sent by the client to the server to request information, or just signal a change of state. Since it is possible for multiple requests to be pending, the next arguments a timestamp. long with a pseudo-random string is submitted to a maximum length of 10 characters, valid characters are A-z and 0-9. The fourth argument is the procedure’s name, and the last are the arguments. Only the arguments are a valid json array, where each element is an argument to be feed to the procedure call.
Note: As long as there is still a connection, the server must respond.
call -> Method Name
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
add.default -> Procedure Call Name
[1,2] -> Arguments Array
{"token":"jn13jnsc0j"} -> Implicit parameters
Function Response: res
Stamp must be the stamp the client sent when the procedure was called.
res -> Method Name
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
3 -> Result
Function Error: err
err -> Method Name
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
“Error!” -> JSON value (string|number|object|integer)
Closing Connection: exit
Exit can either represent a fatal error or a request by the client/server to end the connection. The second and third arguments are optional, but the line break must still be there.
Example request:
{“message”:”Closing connection for no reason.”}
Another example, this time fatal:
1439948538953 -> Unix Timestamp
3d532EfEQC -> 10 Random [A-z0-9] Chars
{“message”:”Server cannot recover from error in procedure call.”}