This module fills the POGOserver with random pokemon spawns, pokestops and gyms (last two need to be implemented). The locations of the POIs are based on where players are situated. Pokemons won't spawn in the middle of the ocean (unless someone is playin
Populate POGOserver with random Pokémon spawns, pokéstops and gyms. (Pokéstops and gyms need to be implemented)
$ npm install --save pogo-populate
Pogo-populate let you automatically insert random Pokémon spawns, pokéstops and gyms within a range of a specified locations, such as players. It can be adjusted how many Pokémon need to be present at the specified location and how rare the Pokémon are that are spawned.
##Config file Pogo-populate uses the same config file as POGOserver. These lines need to be added in order to let pogo-populate work with your preferences
RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS: true, //enable or disable pogo-populate
RADIUS: 2, //In kilometers. The radius of the maximum distance Pokémon need to be spawned.
RARITY_RATE: 1.5, //The higher, the less likely rare Pokemon will appear
NUMBER_SPAWNS: 500, //Number of spawns within the specified radius
POKEMON_PER_SPAWN: 1, //How many Pokémon there need to be spawned at the spawn location
import Populate from "pogo-populate";
//CFG is the config file specified by POGOserver
let populate = new Populate(CFG);
.createRandomPokemon(latitude: number, longitude: number) => Promise
Creates random Pokémon within a specified range of a location
populate.createRandomPokemon(latitude, longitude).then((res, rej)=>{
if(rej){print(rej, 31)}
else {
print(res, 33)
.createRandomPokestops(latitude: number, longitude: number) => Promise
Creates random Pokéstop within a specified range of a location.
//Needs to be implemented.
.createRandomGyms(latitude: number, longitude: number) => Promise
Creates random Gyms within a specified range of a location.
//Will be implemented when gyms are supported by POGOserver.