POEditor cli is the Standard Tooling for workflow of POEditor.
POEditor cli is the Standard Tooling for workflow of POEditor.
✨ Features
- Upload pre-translated file(s) to POEditor
- Download translated files(s) to local directory
📦 Install
If you haven't installed Node.js, please install it first, here.
$ npm install poeditor-ci -g
🔨 Configuration
Create a poeditor-config.json in the root directory, and config information as follows:
"apiToken": "", // POEditor api token
"projectId": 0, // project id
"fileType": "", // fileType to upload or download, supports files format (po, pot, mo, xls, csv, resw, resx, android_strings, apple_strings, xliff, properties, key_value_json, json, xmb, xtb)
"targetDir": "", // directory where translated files live
"syncTerms": true, // (optional) set it to true if you want to sync your terms (terms that are not found in the uploaded file will be deleted from project and the new ones added)
"sourceLang": "en-US", // (optional, required when syncTerms set to true) language to sync the terms from
"pullParams": {}, // (optional) allows to pass any parameters available on the POEditor's export endpoint, full list here: https://poeditor.com/docs/api#projects_export
"pushParams": {} // (optional) allows to pass any parameters available on the POEditor's upload endpoint, full list here: https://poeditor.com/docs/api#projects_upload
You can also provide the API token as a environment variable by setting PO_APITOKEN
🤜🏼 Usage
Pull all translated files from upstream of POEditor.
$ poeditor pull
Push all pre-translated files from downloadstream of targetDir in poeditor-config.json.
$ poeditor push