Control clips, volume and devices with the pocket pusher.
Pocket Push
Control clips, volume and devices with the pocket pusher.
- Install nodejs
- Open the Terminal (mac) or PowerShell (windows) application and type
npx pocketpusher
. - Start Ableton Live
- Select "PocketPush" as Control Surface in 'Settings' > 'MIDI'.
- Scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet
- Control up to 8 tracks (+ Master)
- Control up to 8 macros (of the first device of every track)
- Clip loop manipulation: Set length, double length, half length, empty clip.
- Clip manipulation: create and delete clips.
- Track manipulation: mute, volume, trigger clip, select track.
- Scene manipulation: Duplicate, delete, launch.
- Fixed clip length: automatic punch out of clip recordings.
- Delay recording: discard initial bars when recording (automatically set loop start marker).
- "Record scene": duplicate the scene, then empty clips of armed tracks.
- "Record clip": add a new clip to every armed track with a fixed length, in session record mode.
- Automatically select armed track.
- Automatically configure input to correct instrument when track is armed (to do)
- Show chords and song progress (annotate clips with
C / F / G / C
, one bar per slash)
Known bugs
- This software is in beta and might not be live performance ready regarding stability and bugs.
- The delay function briefly plays the first notes on the first loop, then skips to the right (delayed) position.
- The app is not optimized for running many smartphones/tablets in parallel.
- 1.0.0 (2023-05-09) Grid view, large screen support
- 0.9.0 (2023-05-04) Initial release
todo - write documentation for usage
The track status indicators have hidden gestures:
- swipe up: fire previous clip
- swipe down: fire next clip
- swipe left: mute / unmute
- swipe right: arm
- tap: arm track (scene, clips, setup) or select track (fx)
The app supports two workflows:
- Your track is divided in sections called 'scenes', e.g. intro, verse, chorus, bridge.
- You use 'launch scene' to progress in song sections.
- You use 'duplicate scenes' to add variation, by overdubbing, changing device macro's or emptying the clip and then re-recording it.
- Con: Your session view contains a lot of duplicate clips, it is hard to see which clips have changed.
- You build your main loop track-by-track, e.g. drum, bass, chords, melody.
- Then, you add variation by recording alternatives and variations per track (e.g. intro, verse, chorus, bridge)
- You progress in the song by adding/removing these variations (fire clip or mute track).
- You like to see what variations you have per track, and don't like it when there are many duplicate clips in your session view.
- Con: It is harder to launch a scene (where all tracks change to a variation at once).