Wrap your tests with Playwright-like test fixtures in node & browsers
Wrap your tests with Playwright-like test fixtures in node & browsers.
npm install playwright-fixtures --save-dev
Playwright Test is based on the concept of the test fixtures. Test fixtures are used to establish environment for each test, giving the test everything it needs and nothing else.
For more information, check Advanced: fixtures | Playwright.
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Type BaseTest
Supported base tests. Generally, tests that accepts a string (as its name) and a function that can return a promise.
export type BaseTest =
(name: string, inner: (...args: unknown[]) => Promise<void> | void) => unknown;
Type Test
The test you get from this wrapper. All properties in the base test are retained, and the call signature is replaced.
type KeyValue = Record<string, unknown>;
type TestCall<Args extends KeyValue, B extends BaseTest> =
B extends (name: string, inner: (...args: infer BaseArgs) => infer InnerReturn) => infer Return
? (name: string, inner: (args: Args, ...baseArgs: BaseArgs) => InnerReturn) => Return
: never;
type Test<Args extends KeyValue, B extends BaseTest> = Pick<B, keyof B> & TestCall<Args, B> & {
extend<T extends KeyValue = {}>(
fixtures: Fixtures<T, Args>,
): Test<Args & T, B>;
Method extend
Extend fixtures like you do in Playwright. Parameters given by the base test will move right one position for it.
Example on tape:
type TestFixtures = {
input: HTMLInputElement;
const inputTest = test.extend<TestFixtures>({
input: async (baseFixtures, use) => {
const input = document.createElement('input');
await use(input);
inputTest('focusable', ({ input }, t) => {
t.equal(document.activeElement, input);
TAP version 13
# focusable
ok 1 should be strictly equal
# ...
The report format depends entirely on your base test.
The wrap function. Accepts one single argument, the base test. Returns the wrapped test.
declare const wrap: <B extends BaseTest = BaseTest>(baseTest: B) => Test<{}, B>;
export default wrap;
Use it like:
import { test as base } from 'uvu'; // mocha, tape, zora, etc.
import fixtureWrap from 'playwright-fixtures';
const test = fixtureWrap(base);
test('your tests', () => {
// ...