A type safe wrapper for Pixiv App API
A type safe wrapper for Pixiv App API.
How to use
It recommended you authenticate with Refresh Token as ID authentication can easily produce errors in from browser processes. To retrieve your Refresh Token you may try to authenticate through Options 2 or 3 or through another program.
Authentication Options:
- Authenticate with Refresh Token (Recommended)
const client = await PixivApi.create("<your refresh token>");
- Authenticating with ID (Not recommended) see [1]
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: 'new' });
const client = await PixivApi.create({ userId, password }, browser);
- Complete authentication in an opened browser see [2]
const client = await PixivApi.create({ userId, password });
Retrieve Authenticated User
const auth = client.Auth.getAuthentication();
const { accessToken, refreshToken, user } = auth;
const illustDetail = await client.Illust.detail("<artworkId>");
Downloading illustrations
const illustDetail = await client.Illust.detail("<artworkId>");
const downloadResults = await Utils.downloadIllusts(illustDetail);
for (const result of downloadResults) {
if (result.status == 'fulfilled') {
const { data, metadata: { fileName, fileExtension } } = result.value;
// save to file or do something else
fs.writeFileSync(`${fileName}.${fileExtension}`, data);
} else {
const { reason } = result;
// handle 'rejected'
Downloading gif
const ugoiraMetadata = await client.Ugoira.metadata("<artworkId>");
const { metadata: { fileName, fileExtension }, data } = await Utils.downloadUgoira(ugoiraMetadata);
fs.writeFileSync(`${fileName}.${fileExtension}`, data);
[1]: Puppeteer is optional, however it is required if you choose to authenticate by ID in a headless browser. Recommended to use 'puppeteer-chromium-resolver' if you find difficulty.
[2]: If no puppeteer browser is provided, you will be prompted to enter a code by having to manually complete the login in the opened browser [source]:
- Open dev console (F12) and switch to network tab.
- Enable persistent logging ("Preserve log").
- Type into the filter field: callback?
- Proceed with Pixiv login.
- After logging in you should see a blank page and request that looks like this: https://app-api.pixiv.net/web/v1/users/auth/pixiv/callback?state=...&code=.... Copy value of the code parameter into the prompt and hit the Enter key.