A Library for controlling pixelblaze expander A.K.A. ElectroMage Serial to 8x WS2812/APA102 Driver boards
PixelBlaze Output Expander Serial Library
A NodeJS Library for controlling PixelBlaze Expander A.K.A. ElectroMage Serial to 8x WS2812/APA102 Driver boards via serial port.
npm install pixelblaze-expander --save
Create a PBX device
var device = new ExpanderDevice(portName, options);
documentation for ExpanderDevice.constructor
* Construct a PixelBlaxe Expander Device.
* @param {string} portName the name of the
* [serial port](https://serialport.io/docs/api-stream#path) which the PBX board is connected
* to (For example, `/dev/tty.XXX` on Mac/Linux, or `COM1` on Windows)
* @param {DeviceOptions} options has the following structure:
* @typedef {Object} DeviceOptions
* @see <https://serialport.io/docs/api-stream#openoptions> for details.
* @param {Integer} [baudRate=2000000] you may wish to change to 2304000 if you're having
* timing issues (e.g. Raspberry Pi Zero).
* @param {Integer} [dataBits=8]
* @param {Integer} [stopBits=1]
* @param {string} [parity='none']
* @param {Object<uint6,ChannelDef>} [channels={0:{}}] Definition of each channel that has
* LEDs connected. Default is a single RGB WS281X device with maximum capacity on channel 0.
* Object Keys are the channel number as labeled on the PBX PCB or jumper pad configuration.
* Each board has 8 channels, and 8 boards can be chained, giving a maximum channel number of 64
* (uint6). Object values are channel definitions, which have the following structure:
* @typedef {Object} ChannelDef
* @param {string} [type='WS281X'] protocol used by PBX to talk to LEDs, only "WS281X" is
* currently supported. "APA102_DATA" and "APA_CLOCK" to be implemented soon.
* @param {string} [order=undefined] color order setting.
* For APA102, use 4 colors, default is "RGBW".
* For WS281X, use 3 or 4 colors, default is "RGB".
* Only "RGB" or "RGBW" are currently supported, but it's pretty easy to add more by extending
* @param {uint16} [capacity=undefined] number of pixels connected to this channel. By default
* this is the maximum number of pixels that can be sent, for the channel, which depends on the
* number of color channels specified in `order` (`N` where `N ∈ [3, 4]`) and the base size of
* `type`. `baseSize` is 4 for WS2812 and 8 for APA102. So max capacity is defined by
* `Math.floor(2048 - 6 - baseSize(type) - 4) / N)`
send colors to channels a and b, then draw the pixels with:
device.send(channel_a, colors_a, drawAll, blocking);
device.send(channel_b, colors_a, drawAll, blocking);
documentation for ExpanderDevice.send
* Send colours to the PBX channel. Optionally draws all colours, or blocks until complete.
* @param {uint6} channel the channel, as marked on the PBX PCB or jumper pad configuration,
* and has been defined in `options.channels`
* @param {Array<ColourArray>} colors an array containing a color array for each pixel on the
* channel, where the number of pixels does not exceed `options.channels[channel].capacity`
* @param {boolean} [drawAll=false] whether to send a drawAll command afterwards to refresh all
* strips
* @param {boolean} [blocking=false] whether to block until the call is complete
* @typedef {Array} ColourArray defines the value of each colour channel for a pixel
* @param {uint8} red
* @param {uint8} green
* @param {uint8} blue
* @param {uint8} [white] only required when `order` has 4 colours
* @returns {Promise} a promise to be resolved once the operation has finished
documentation for ExpanderDevice.drawAll
* Force the device to draw all channels.
* @param {boolean} [blocking=false] whether to block until the call is complete
* @returns {Promise} a promise to be resolved once the operation has finished
See examples for more info. You can run each example with:
npx babel-node examples/ws281xAsync.js # Send colours asynchronously
npx babel-node examples/ws281xBlocking.js # Block until each colour is sent