draw stuff directly onto a pixel buffer similar to a canvas
draw stuff directly onto a pixel buffer similar to a canvas
draw pixel text, lines, triangles, circles, rectangles, crop the results
npm i pixel-draw
var pixelDrawing = require('pixel-draw');
var width = 512;
var height = 512;
var pd = new pixelDrawing(width,height);
//pd.image = {data = [r,g,b,a,r,g,b,a... int8s], width, height, saveAs} -- as from require('image-sync')
//pd.image.data is the pixel data ^^^
//drawText(text, offset, color=[0,0,0], doExpandText=true, maxLineLen=50)
pd.drawText("ok", [5,5], [0,0,0]); //draw text at offset [5,5]
//drawTriangle(tri, color=[255,0,0], edgesOnly=false)
var triangle = [[256,256],[256+40,256+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)],[256-40,256]];
pd.drawTriangle(triangle, [255,0,0]); //draw red triangle
var triangle2 = [[256,256],[256+40,256+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)],[256-40,256]];
pd.drawTriangle(triangle2,[[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,0,255]]); //draw triangle with vertex colors
//drawRectangle(x,y,_w,_h, color=[255,0,0], filled=true, thickness=2.0)
pd.drawRectangle(50,50,10,100,[0,0,255]); //draw filled rectangle
pd.drawRectangle(150,150,40,40,[[0,0,0],[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,0,255]]); //draw rectangle with vertex colors
pd.drawRectangle(150,150,10,100,[0,255,255], false, 2.0); //draw rectangle outline with thickness 2.0, filled=false
// drawCircle(x,y,radius,color=[255,0,0], filled=true, thickness=2.0)
pd.drawCircle(300,300, 64, [255,0,0],false, 2.0) //draw circle with thickness 2, filled=false
var thicknessStartEnd = [2,32]
var lineEndCaps = true; //circular endCaps, otheriwse square endCaps
pd.drawLine([[20,20],[280,280]], [[255,0,0],[0,255,0]], thicknessStartEnd, lineEndCaps); //thick line with linear gradient colors and different start/end thickness
pd.drawLine([[20,20],[280,280]], [255,0,0], 16, lineEndCaps); //thick line, thickness=16, solid colors
pd.drawLine([[20,20],[280,280]], [255,0,0], 0, lineEndCaps); //thin line, thickness=0, solid colors only
//put pixel
pd.putPixel(256,256, [1,2,3]);
//get pixel
var c = pd.getPixel(256,256);
console.log(c); //[1,2,3]
//faster pixel puts and gets:
//use ._getPixel and ._putPixel to skip bounds check
//pc.image = {data = [r,g,b,a,r,g,b,a... int8s], width, height, saveAs} like from require('image-sync')
//resize/crop/"uncrop" the canvas (x,y,w,h,bgColor)
//get cropped version of canvas without changing the original canvas
//var cropped = pd.getCropped(-20,-20,640,640,[255,0,0])
//clear the image
//draw the contents of another canvas [or the same canvas] onto this canvas, including optional transparent/background color
var transparentColor = [255,255,255]; //default [255,255,255]
var enableTransparency = true; //default true
pd.drawCanvas(256,256, pd, transparentColor, enableTransparency);
//drawing using functions:
function invertColorsFunction(x,y,existingColor){
var invertedColor = [255-existingColor[0],255-existingColor[1],255-existingColor[2]];
return invertedColor;
function replaceWhiteWithNoiseFunction(x,y,existingColor){
var noise = [1,2,3].map(n=>Math.floor(Math.random()*255))
var colorIsWhite = existingColor[0]==255 && existingColor[1]==255 && existingColor[2]==255;
if(colorIsWhite){return noise;}
return existingColor;
//draw filled rectangle with color per-pixel defined by function color(x,y,existingColorRGB_uInt8s) => [R,G,B] uInt8's
pd.drawFunction(5,50,140,40, invertColorsFunction);
pd.drawFunction(5,150,140,40, replaceWhiteWithNoiseFunction);
test1 output
test2 output
test3 output