Generate music based on conventions from Central Javanese gamelan.
Generate music based on conventions from Central Javanese gamelan.
Charles Matthews 2021
This started as a combination of Max and Java (Automatic Gamelan, 2007), Max and Javascript (Pipilan, 2009-2014), some Pure Data bits and pieces... and is now collected as Javascript for use with Max and on the web.
Work in progress -- undocumented while I comb through old code, and not of much use to others yet!
Based on work created as part of MA and PhD research, and the Augmented Gamelan project. See https://repository.mdx.ac.uk/item/84z74
Features instrument definitions, some methods for sequencing, manipulation, and interpretation of patterns. A few functions for dealing with the Kepatihan font.
Some unconventional mappings too e.g. for synthesis.
This is not an attempt to replace musicans, nor an attempt to gather specific musical material, although some fixed patterns or songs may be included. Some named structures will be used (e.g. lancaran, ketawang, ladrang), but we can work with more generic structuring too.
Currently this compiles to a library via Vite, using the index page for testing...