A pipe to browser library
Pipe to the browser library, very useful for log tailing.
node-pipe-to-browser features auto scrolling (with enable/disable), ansi to html coloring (--ansi) and behavior and color customization.
Originally a fork from kessler/node-bcat, reworked as a library interface instead of just a command line tool. Ideal for adding a route to your servers that gives you streaming access to your logs.
Library usage
You can use pipe-to-browser as a library to pipe an arbitrary stream to a http response:
var pipe_to_browser = require('./')
var fs = require('fs')
var http = require('http')
var config = {/* most any option from above, see lib/pipeResponse.js */}
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var file = fs.createReadStream('./test.html')
// Or: var file = require('child_process').spawn('tail', ['-c', '+0', '-f', './test.html']).stdout
pipe_to_browser.pipeResponse(confg, res, file)
// See testlib.js for a more full example and notes about caveats of spawning 'tail' processes
}).listen(1337, '')
Command-line utility mode
You can also use pipe-to-browser as a stand-alone command line utility. This module uses RC to manage its configuration, so in addition to command line arguments you may save your favorite configuration in .pipe-to-browserrc.
> npm install -g pipe-to-browser
> cat somefile | pipe-to-browser
// redirect error stream also
> node index.js 2>&1 | pipe-to-browser
Want to see something moving too?
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000)
> node test.js | pipe-to-browser
--port set a port for this pipe-to-browser execution
--contentType content type header, must be lower case [default: "text/html"]
--backgroundColor (only in text/html) [default: "#000000"]
--foregroundColor (only in text/html) [default: "#ffffff"]
--tabLength length of a tab in spaces [default: 4]
--tabReplace tab replacement [default: " "
--disableTabReplace disable tab replacement [default: false]
--newlineReplace new line replacement [default: "<br />"
--disableNewlineReplace disable new line replacement [default: false]
--ansi show colorful ansi (implies text/html) [default: true]
--ansiOptions override replacement of ansi black color
--autoscroll default to auto-scrolling (overridden by browser localStorage) [default: true]
--scrollDownInterval interval to execute javascript scroll down [default: 1000 (ms)]
--serverTimeout http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_timeout [default: 0 (no timeout)]
- An available port between 8080 - 8181 will be automatically picked if --port is not specified
- ansi feature is on by default
node-bcat - original command-line-only
scat - pipes javascript into your browser
hcat - pipes html into your browser
bpipe - bidirectional piping between unix and the browser