Document attachment controls for Pip.WebUI
Document attachment controls
Electronic documents are used a lot in enterprise. Ability to attach documents to any item in application is a great feature that can enhance user experience. Pip.WebUI.Documents module contains two controls to add/remove and visualize document attachments. It relies on files operations in standard REST API.
Document list view
Document list view control shows a list of attached documents. It allows users to download the document by clicking on it.
Document list edit
Document list edit control allows to attach files or remove them from the document list.
Learn more about the module
- User's guide
- Online samples
- API reference
- Developer's guide
- Changelog
- Pip.WebUI project website
- Pip.WebUI project wiki
- Pip.WebUI discussion forum
- Pip.WebUI team blog
Module dependencies
- pip-webui-lib: angular, angular material and other 3rd party libraries
- pip-webui-css: CSS styles and web components
- pip-webui-core: localization and other core services
- pip-webui-rest: REST resource for files
This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.