Data persistence for Pip.Services in Node.js
Persistence components for Node.js
This module is a part of the Pip.Services polyglot microservices toolkit. It contains generic interfaces for data access components as well as abstract implementations for in-memory and file persistence.
The persistence components come in two kinds. The first kind is a basic persistence that can work with any object types and provides only minimal set of operations. The second kind is so called "identifieable" persistence with works with "identifable" data objects, i.e. objects that have unique ID field. The identifiable persistence provides a full set or CRUD operations that covers most common cases.
The module contains the following packages:
- Core - generic interfaces for data access components.
- Persistence - in-memory and file persistence components, as well as JSON persister class.
Quick links:
Install the NPM package as
npm install pip-services3-data-node --save
For example, you need to implement persistence for a data object defined as following.
import { IIdentifiable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
export class MyObject implements IIdentifiable {
public id: string;
public key: string;
public value: number;
Our persistence component shall implement the following interface with a basic set of CRUD operations.
export interface IMyPersistence {
getPageByFilter(correlationId: string, filter: FilterParams, paging: PagingParams,
callback: (err: any, page: DataPage<MyObject>) => void): void;
getOneById(correlationId: string, id: string, callback: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
getOneByKey(correlationId: string, key: string, callback: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
create(correlationId: string, item: MyObject, callback?: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
update(correlationId: string, item: MyObject, callback?: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
deleteById(correlationId: string, id: string, callback?: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
To implement in-memory persistence component you shall inherit IdentifiableMemoryPersistence
Most CRUD operations will come from the base class. You only need to override getPageByFilter
method with a custom filter function.
And implement a getOneByKey
custom persistence method that doesn't exist in the base class.
import { IdentifiableMemoryPersistence } from 'pip-services3-data-node';
export class MyMemoryPersistence extends IdentifableMemoryPersistence {
public constructor() {
private composeFilter(filter: FilterParams): any {
filter = filter || new FilterParams();
let id = filter.getAsNullableString("id");
let tempIds = filter.getAsNullableString("ids");
let ids = tempIds != null ? tempIds.split(",") : null;
let key = filter.getAsNullableString("key");
return (item) => {
if (id != null && item.id != id)
return false;
if (ids != null && ids.indexOf(item.id) < 0)
return false;
if (key != null && item.key != key)
return false;
return true;
public getPageByFilter(correlationId: string, filter: FilterParams, paging: PagingParams,
callback: (err: any, page: DataPage<MyObject>) => void): void {
super.getPageByFilter(correlationId, this.composeFilter(filter), paging, null, null, callback);
public getOneByKey(correlationId: string, key: string,
callback: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void {
let item = _.find(this._items, (item) => item.key == key);
if (item != null) {
this._logger.trace(correlationId, "Found object by key=%s", key);
} else {
this._logger.trace(correlationId, "Cannot find by key=%s", key);
callback(null, item);
It is easy to create file persistence by adding a persister object to the implemented in-memory persistence component.
import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { JsonFilePersister } from 'pip-services3-data-node';
export class MyFilePersistence extends MyMemoryPersistence {
protected _persister: JsonFilePersister<MyObject>;
constructor(path?: string) {
this._persister = new JsonFilePersister<MyObject>(path);
this._loader = this._persister;
this._saver = this._persister;
public configure(config: ConfigParams) {
For development you shall install the following prerequisites:
- Node.js 10+
- Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
- Docker
- Typescript
Install dependencies:
npm install
Compile the code:
Run automated tests:
npm test
Generate API documentation:
Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:
The Node.js version of Pip.Services is created and maintained by:
- Volodymyr Tkachenko
- Sergey Seroukhov
The documentation is written by:
- Mark Makarychev