A little help to use the discord api. Handle connection to the gateway and provide a fast way to make requests to discord. This package is not finished, it is still in development.
Don't except too much from this package for now, if you want something easier to use , then use discord.js.
is an ES package that allows you to create a discord bot with ease.
It helps in different point, such as:
- Connection to the gateway with a WebSocket (including shards)
- Requests to the API
- Rate limits
npm install pioucord
A simple bot
To know more about intents, check here.
To know more about presence, check here.
import {Client, ActivityType, Routes} from 'pioucord';
const client = new Client({
intents: ['Guilds', 'GuildMessages', 'MessageContent'],
presence: {
status: 'dnd',
activities: [
name: '!ping',
type: ActivityType.Playing
client.ws.on('READY', (data) => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.username}#${client.user.discriminator} (${client.user.id})`);
client.ws.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', message => {
if (message.content == "!ping") {
client.rest.post(Routes.channelMessages(message.channel_id), {
content: 'Pong!'
client.login('Some secret token goes here');
Here, when the bot will see a message with !ping
as content, it will send Pong!
in the same channel.
Since there's no classes for now, to reply to a message, you need to add the field message_reference
in the message
check here
for more infos.
It will look like:
client.rest.post(Routes.channelMessages(message.channel_id), {
content: 'Pong!',
message_reference: {
message_id: message.id
You may have noticed two points:
- We should use
instead ofclient.on
to listen to events. (client.on
is not implemented yet, and will be used for constructed objects) - We can use
as soon as theREADY
event is thrown. - Events are in screaming case, and the provided parameters are raw data from the gateway, check event list here.
To know more about shards, check here.
You can use specific shards to start your bot with:
import {Client} from 'pioucord';
const client = new Client({
intents: 'some intents, check above',
shards: [0, 2],
shardsCount: 3
If you don't put any, it will identify to the gateway without providing shards.
Uploading files
To know how files upload works, check here.
To upload files, you just need to use the files
field in the payload, and put an array of files.
// ...
client.ws.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', message => {
if (message.content == "!image") {
client.rest.post(Routes.channelMessages(message.channel_id), {
content: 'Beautiful image!',
message_reference: {
message_id: message.id
files: [{
name: 'image.png',
description: 'Image',
file: "A buffer goes here"
// ...
It isn't supported by the package itself, it's much better to let the user create it himself.
A little handler example
If you want, you can create a commands' handler, which will make your bot easier to manage.
You can create an events one if you want, but I will not show it here.
import {readdir} from 'node:fs/promises'; // Used to read dirs, need an absolute path
import {Client} from 'pioucord';
// Simple client creation
const client = new Client({
intents: ['GuildMessages', 'MessageContent']
// Reading the commands folder
client.commands = new Map();
const path = 'absolute path goes here';
for (const file of await readdir(path)) {
const command = (await import('file://' + path + file)).default;
client.commands.set(command.name, command);
// Listening messages
const prefix = '!';
client.ws.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', message => {
if (message.author.bot || !message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
const args = message.content.split(/ +/);
const command = client.commands.get(args.shift().slice(prefix.length));
if (!command) return;
command.execute(message, args);
client.login('token goes here as always');
And then, put some files in the commands folder which looks like:
import {Routes} from 'pioucord';
export default {
name: 'ping',
execute: (message, args) => {
// The client is in each events objects
message.client.rest.post(Routes.channelMessages(message.channel_id), {
content: 'Pong!',
message_reference: {
message_id: message.id
You can access the client from every event.
Call it as you want, it won't change anything, but try to make something understandable.
Upgrade the handler
You may be tired because of all these client.rest
, because the package still don't have classes (it should be out for
the V2).
If you don't want to wait (and you are right), you are free to add some functions to your handler, here is a little example:
client.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', message => {
if (message.author.bot || !message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
const args = message.content.split(/ +/);
const command = client.commands.get(args.shift().slice(prefix.length));
if (!command) return;
// Here, modifications
const functions = {
channelSend: (data) => {
return client.rest.post(Routes.channelMessages(message.channel_id), data);
messageReply: (data) => {
return client.rest.post(Routes.channelMessages(message.channel_id), Object.assign(data,
message_reference: {
message_id: message.id
// Don't forget to send them
command.execute(message, args, functions);
And then, the ping
command file:
export default {
name: 'ping',
execute: (message, args, functions) => {
functions.messageReply({content: 'Pong!'});
See? Much clearer!
That's not something very important, but you can use the debug
event on the ws, like:
client.ws.on('debug', (shardId, text) => {
console.log(`Shard ${shardId ?? 'MAIN'} | ${text}`);