Protractor e2e test automation for PTC-Pioneer (v3.0+)
Pioneer E2E Test Automation
This is a protractor test automation framework which is being built for automation end to end flows for Pioneer Application (v3.0+)
Getting Started
Clone this repository on your local machine using below git command
git clone [email protected]:PtcUniversity/ULC-E2E-Automation.git
- Node.js should be installed
- Run the below command which will add all the project dependencies( protractor and allure jasmine reports).
npm install
- Create Node.js run configuration in WebStorm for running test suites.
Node Parameters: <protractor module path>\built\cli.js
Application Parameters: <working directory>\conf.js <--suite=smoke>
- Install Maven for generating allure HTML reports and add the binary to the path environment variable.
- Download BrowserMob Proxy Server from the following URL and start it before running tests (In case you have chosen a different port for the server other than 8080 then specify the same in the conf.js)
Run BrowserMob proxy as browsermob-proxy-2.1.1-bin\browsermob-proxy-2.1.1\bin>browsermob-proxy -port <<port no if different than 8080>>
Run npm install in project directory
Run protractor tests
To run protractor tests you can use any one of the following commands
- Go to the root of the repository and run the command
protractor conf.js
- Maven command to run the protractor tests
mvn clean install
Generate Reports
- After running the test allure-results folder will be created at the root
- If pom.xml is not present at root then copy the pom.xml from the jasmine-allure-reporter node modules
- Run following maven command
mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results
- Open the index.html located in ./target/site/allure-maven-plugin/
Browser support
|Browser Version|Support| |---------------|-------| |Chrome|[x]| |FF v46+|[x]| |IE |[]| |IE Edge|[]|
Built With
Protractor, Jasmine, Maven, Allure Reports and BrowserMob Proxy