Prettiest Pino Prettifier in all the land
pino-princess 👸 💅
A pretty dev logger for pino and other ndjson.
Largely inspired from the great pino-colada project but with all the bells and whistles of pino-pretty.
- Works just like pino-pretty
- Awesome looking log lines out of the box
- All data is displayed with highlighting for kick-ass readability
- ez to customize
note: these samples are created by changing terminal colors - not by changing themes in pino-princess. However, pino-princess themes are entirely configurable so both ways of changing the colors are possible.
pino-pretty is hard to configure and I didn't like the defaults. However, it was very good at always showing me all my data. Unfortunately, I didn't care about seeing all the data. For example, most of the time, req/res headers are just noise for me during development.
pino-colada was an awesome output format, but it was inflexible. I couldn't see all my data when I wanted to because of its rigidity.
In order to get the best of both worlds, I started from a fork of pino-pretty, and developed a configurable, pino-colada like log prettifier that always displays all your data, except when you don't want it to!
You could probably get something pretty similar with just an advanced pino-pretty configuration, but if you prefer lower configuration and easier to understand defaults, choose pino-princess.
npm install pino-princess --save-dev
yarn install -D pino-princess
The reccomended usage of pino-princess is as a separate process from your main application which pipes pino logs from stdout into pino-princess for formatting.
node my-application-which-logs-with-pino.js | npx pino-princess --blacklist "severity" --whitelist "res.headers.ip, res.headers.x-my-important-header"
Pino v7 transport
pino-princess, as a fork of pino-pretty, is also set up to be used as a pino v7 transport. Please refer to the pino documentation to set this up.
pino-princess supports a simple configuration which can be supplied as either command line arguments, or alternatively, pino-princess.config.js file located in the path up from where the application is being ran.
These are blacklist
, whitelist
, and formatters
. blacklist
and whitelist
are both arrays of strings which represent the dotpath to any field on a deeply nested log object.
/** @type {import('pino-princess').Configuration}*/
module.exports = {
* blacklist
* string[]
* An array of strings which represent a key on any object.
* Keys matching any one of these strings cause these keys to be excluded from the log output.
* The blacklist is always overridden by the whitelist.
* In this way, blacklist can be used to exclude large base objects and the whitelist
* can be used to pick certain fields and "add them back" to the log output.
* For example, by default, pino-princess blacklists the entire req or res object from any http logger.
* Because some fields on req and res are required to constuct the core of the log line, these fields are added back via the whitelist.
* default value:
blacklist: ["req", "res"],
* whitelist
* string[]
* An array of strings which represent a key on any object.
* Keys matching any one of these strings cause these keys will ensure the key is always part of the log output.
* The whitelist always overrides by the blacklist.
* In this way, whitelist can be used to "add back" properties of blackListed objects to the log output.
* By default pino-princess whiteLists all the properties required to create our standard log line.
* default value:
whitelist: [
* theme
* (chalk: Chalk) => string
* This determines the colors of any extra fields that are not included in the pino-princess log line
* For convenience an instance of chalk is passed
* default below
theme: (chalk) => ({
* The color of JSON keys in the log message
attr: chalk.cyanBright,
* The color of strings
string: chalk.yellow,
* The color of numbers
number: chalk.default,
* The color of boolean and null values
literal: chalk.default,
* formatters
* These are functions which format segments of the pino-princess log-line
* For the defaults see ./lib/utils/format.ts
formatters: {
formatLevel: (level) => {},
formatLoadTime: (timestamp) => {},
formatDate: (date) => {},
formatName: (name) => {},
formatMessage: (message) => {},
formatBundleSize: (bundleSize) => {},
formatNs: (ns) => {},
formatExtraFields: (extraFields) => {},
formatStack: (stack) => {},
formatUrl: (url) => {},
formatStatusCode: (statusCode) => {},
formatErrorProp: (err) => {},
formatMethod: (method) => {},
formatId: (id) => {},