A plugin help to use pinia more easily
- Are you confused about pinia that why its store modules always export function 'useXXXstore' instead of 'XXXstore'. Then we provide a function 'defineStoreProxy' which aim to replace 'defineStore' from 'pinia'.It can help you to create a proxy wrapping the store with automatically initialization instead of function 'useXXXstore'.
- And function 'aref' (means 'ref' with actions) can help you group a ref variable with its actions and getters. Sure, it's not as important as 'defineStoreProxy'. It's just a standard, which may be better then normal standard.
npm install pinia-easier
Package pinia-easier exports 2 functions: "defineStoreProxy" and "aref".
There is a demo without 'aref' below.
// counter.ts
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
import { defineStoreProxy } from '../../lib/storeProxy'
export const counterStore = defineStoreProxy('counter', () => {
const num = ref(0)
const doubleCount = computed(() => num.value * 2)
function increment() {
return { num, doubleCount, increment }
<script setup lang="ts">
import { counterProxy } from '@/stores/counter'
<!-- Don't destruct num, or it would lose reactivity -->
<button @click="counterProxy.increment">
{{ counterProxy.num }}
{{ counterProxy.doubleCount }}
This is a demo with 'aref' below.
// counter.ts
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { defineStoreProxy } from '../../lib/storeProxy'
import { aref } from 'lib/aref'
export const counterProxy = defineStoreProxy('counter', () => {
return {
num: aref(0, (ctx) => ({
doubleCount: computed(() => ctx.value * 2),
increment() {
increment2: () => ctx.value++
<script setup lang="ts">
import { counterProxy } from '@/stores/counter'
// It's ok to destruct 'counterProxy'
const { num } = counterProxy
(property) num: {
doubleCount: number;
increment: () => void;
value: number;
This is the type of num. As you could see,
'num' is very similar to a ref variable in vue.
There is 2 differences between them:
1. property: besides 'value', the variable created
by 'aref' has more props customized by you
2. destructuring in <template>: the variable created
by 'aref' voids destructuring in <template> to use
other props (such as {{ num.value }} instead of {{ num }})
<button @click="num.increment">
{{ num.value }}
{{ num.doubleCount }}