Dummy devices plugin for Pimatic home automation system
Pimatic plugin for extra dummy devices
This plugin creates dummy devices to use within Pimatic. Dummy device are mostly used for user interaction via the gui and rule based actions. Dummy devices do not directly control a device.
The plugin supports 3 devices; DummyLedLight, DummyLightRGBW and DummyThermostat
The DummyLedLight device is a renewed pimatic-led-light device made useable with node 8+. Its a dimmer actuator device with brightness (the dimmer), color temperature and color (RGB).
The device can be controlled via the gui and via rules.
The rules syntax:
set <DummyLedLight device> to [<hex color> | <colorname> | <temperature> | <$variable>]
The DummyLightRGBW device is a dimmer actuator device with brightness (the dimmer), color temprature and color (RGB). This device is based on the RaspBee-RGBCT device from treban
The device can be controlled via the gui and via rules.
The rules syntax:
set <DummyLightRGBW device> to [<hex color> | <colorname> | <temperature> | <$variable>]
Color definitions
<hex color> is in the format #[0-F][0-F][0-F][0-F][0-F][0-F] // like #1F00A0
<color names> can be found in color_schema.json
<temperature> must be between 0-100
For the content of the variable, the same color logic applies
The DummyThermostat device is a thermostat device with a heat, heatcool and cool mode.
The device can be controlled via the gui and via rules.
The rules syntax:
thermostat <DummyThermostat device>
heat | heatcool | cool |
on | eco | off |
setpoint [<temperature>|<$temp variable>] |
setpoint low [<temperature>|<$temp variable>] | setpoint high [<temperature>|<$temp variable] |
program manual | program auto
With this device you get the maximum thermostat functionality in Google Assistant. For that this device can be added in pimatic-assistant. Real heaters and coolers can be connected via rules based on the DummyThermostat variables.
The variables to be set:
- setPoint: The target temperature in heat or cool mode. The first input in gui.
- setPointLow: The low target temperature in heatcool mode. Below that value the heater will turn on. The second input in the gui.
- setPointHigh: The high target temperature in heatcool mode. Above that value the cooler with turn on. The third input in the gui
- eco: Set the whole thermostat in eco state
- power: Switch the thermostat on or off
- mode: The current mode of the heater (heat,heatcool or cool)
- program: The current program (manual or auto)
The state variables:
- active: True if heater or cooler is on
- heater: True if the heater is on
- cooler: True if the cooler is on
The DummyAlarmPanel device is a alarmpanel device for arming and disarming Pimatic alarm systems. DummyAlarmPanel is home-assistant compatible (via pimatic-hass).
edit The device can be controlled via the gui or via rules. This device is compatible with pimatic-hass and will provide an alarm panel in home-assistant.
The buttons explained:
- 1 button for disarming. In Hass you need to use the configured pin to disarm
- 3 buttons for arming; arm home, arm away or arm night
- 4 info-buttons to inform about state transitions
The device config:
pin: The pincode for disarming the alarm in Hass.
default: "0000"
triggerHome: The Pimatic device id for the alarm trigger in ArmHome state
triggerAway: The Pimatic device id of the alarm trigger in ArmAway state
triggerNight: The Pimatic device id of the alarm trigger in ArmNight state (optional)
armTime: The time (in seconds) before the AlarmPanel goes to Armed
default: 30
disarmTime: The time (in seconds) before the AlarmPanel goes to Disarmed
default: 30
pendingTime: The time (in seconds) after a trigger before the AlarmPanel goed to Triggered
default: 30
The state and status attributes can be used to interface with the Pimatic Alarm system.
- state ["disarmed", "armedhome", "armedaway", "armednight"]
- status ["ready", "arming", "disarming", "pending", "triggered"]
Status 'ready' means that all the other status-buttons are off.
The disarming and arming buttons can be controlled via rules.
The rules syntax:
alarmpanel <DummyAlarmPanel device> [disarm | arm home | arm away | arm night]