A presentational design system and react component library
🎡 Pier Design System
Pier Design System is an open source presentational design system and React component library built by product designers at GumGum. Pier's documentation is built with Next.js that's bootstrapped with create-next-app
💾 Install
To install Pier run
npm i pier-design-system
or if using yarn
yarn add pier-design-system
💡 Usage
To include Pier in a vanilla HTML project, include this at the head of your document
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~pier-design-system/dist/styles.css">
To import Pier into your own scss style sheet use
@import '~pier-design-system/dist/styles'
Import Pier's React components like so
import { Heading, BodyText } from 'pier-design-system'
Please refer to Pier's documentation to see the component library and utilties.
🍴 Forking and Developing
Node Version: v14.16
Package Manager: Yarn
1. Initialize Repo
Install all the necessary dependencies.
2. Run the Development Server
Runs live at http://localhost:3000
yarn dev
3. Start Developing!
You can start editing Pier's components and styles by navigating to the folder src/pier-design system
. The documentation API is handled locally inside src/documentation
and the Next.js documentation pages are inside src/pages