PICU is Carbon's [Node] Utilities
PICU is Carbon's [Node] Utilities
Utilities will be added as they are needed.
npm install picu --save
var arrayUtils = require('picu').array;
Injects a new value inbetween each cell
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = arrayUtils.inbetween(a, 'x');
// b -> [1, 'x', 2, 'x', 3]
Shuffles an array
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = arrayUtils.shuffle(a);
// b -> [3, 1, 2]
var functionUtils = require('picu').function;
Creates a new function, based on a target function
var mainFunc = function(a, b, c) {
return a + '.' + b + '.' + c;
mainFunc('x', 'y', 'z'); // 'x.y.z'
var newFunc = functionUtils.curry(mainFunc, 'A', 'O');
newFunc('K'); // 'A.O.K'
Returns a convenient function which will queue all callbacks until some async logic is ready
var resources;
// this function must be `done` before any callback for `getNextResource` will be fired
function getAllResources(done) {
// assume pullS3Resources will pull a lot of resources from S3, and is therefore slow
pullS3Resources(function(err, result) {
resources = result;
// getNextResource will now be a function that takes a callback
var getNextResource = functionUtils.queueUntilReady(getAllResources, function(callback) {
callback(null, resources.shift());
// using it
getNextResource(function(err, resource) {
getNextResource(function(err, resource) {
// getNextResource can be called before getAllResources is `done`, but callbacks to getNextResource will be queued until getAllResources is `done`
// once getAllResources is `done`, any future call to getNextResource will fire immediately
var stringUtils = require('picu').string;
Pluralizes a string, based on some input number
stringUtils.pluralize(1, 'dog{s}'); // dog
stringUtils.pluralize(2, 'dog{s}'); // dogs
stringUtils.pluralize(1, 'g{oo|ee}se'); // 'goose'
stringUtils.pluralize(2, 'g{oo|ee}se'); // 'geese'
stringUtils.pluralize('0 g{oo|ee}se'); // '0 geese'
stringUtils.pluralize(2, 'There were {#} dog{s}'); // 'There were 2 dogs'
Simply capitalizes the first letter of a string
stringUtils.capitalize('warren'); // 'Warren'
Pads (on the right) a string
stringUtils.pad('hello', 10); // 'hello '
stringUtils.pad('hello', 10, '~'); // 'hello~~~~~'
Replaces text in a template with passed values
stringUtils.replace('{{valet}} will {{action}} your car', {
valet: 'Tom M.'
action: 'pick up'
// -> 'Tom M. will pick up your car'
stringUtils.replace('~valet~ will ~action~ your car', {
valet: 'Tom M.',
action: 'pick up'
}, /~([^~]+)~/g);
// -> 'Tom M. will pick up your car'
stringUtils.replace('You are assigned to pick up {{ownership(name)}} car', {
name: 'Jess',
ownership: function(name) {
return name.substr(-1) === 's' ? name + '\'' : name + '\'s';
// -> 'You are assigned to pick up Jess\' car'
Converts a hex color value to an array of [R, G, B]
stringUtils.hexToRgb('ae76fa'); // [ 174, 118, 250 ]
Ensures a color string is a 6 character hash color
stringUtils.ensureHexColor('#f0f0f0'); // -> '#f0f0f0'
stringUtils.ensureHexColor('f0f0f0'); // -> '#f0f0f0'
stringUtils.ensureHexColor('#f0f0f0', true); // -> 'f0f0f0'
stringUtils.ensureHexColor('ba7'); // -> '#bbaa77'
Converts a hex string to an integer
stringUtils.hexToInt('#f09fa6'); // -> 15769510
stringUtils.hexToInt('#f03'); // -> 16711731
Escapes a string so it can be used in new RegExp(str)
var prepared = stringUtils.escapeRegExp('+2 people. +3 cars');
// prepared = '\\+2 people\\. \\+3 cars'
var expr = new RegExp(prepared);
var numberUtils = require('picu').number;
Converts a integer to a hex string
numberUtils.intToHex(15769510); // -> #f09fa6
Gives a random number between a min & max (inclusive) with an optional precision
numberUtils.random(33, 77); // -> 64
numberUtils.random(33, 77); // -> 33
numberUtils.random(33, 77); // -> 70
numberUtils.random(77, 33); // -> 77
numberUtils.random(77, 33); // -> 49
numberUtils.random(77, 33); // -> 51
numberUtils.random(1, 100, 4); // -> 12.8431
var objectUtils = require('picu').object;
Given an object, update or add keys on another (deeply)
var result = objectUtils.extend({ a: 12, b: 35 }, { b: 99, z: 404 });
// result = { a: 12, b: 99, z: 404 };
// first object is modified