A tiny Javascript library to interact with the DOM
A tiny Javascript library to interact with the DOM
has a nice API easy to remember compared to the Javascript API. jQuery
offers plenty of possibilities to interact with the DOM but it may be overkill if you just need to use a few percent of this API.
has been created with the objective to offer a library that implements the most used Javascript functions to interact with the DOM with an API similar to jQuery
has definitely not the ambition to compete with jQuery
. It aims to be an option when you just need to use few percent of the jQuery
Besides, PicoQ
is implemented in a module pattern exporting only the name PicoQ
outside the module. It could easily be included in your own library without polluting your library space. You can then ship your library without any external dependencies.
Method | Description
PicoQ(selector) | Returns the selected element or null,
PicoQ(sel).select(sel2) | Selects the node and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).selectChild(n) | Selects the nth child,
PicoQ(sel).parent() | Selects the parent node,
PicoQ(sel).firstParent() | Selects the root parent node if defined,
PicoQ(sel).find(sel2) | Returns the the matching children,
PicoQ(sel).tag() | Returns the tag name of the selected element,
PicoQ(sel).html() | Returns the child nodes,
PicoQ(sel).html('xml') | Inserts the DOMString as the child node and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).empty() | Removes all the child nodes and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).append(tagname) | Inserts a new element with the specified tag name and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).appendTextChild(text) | Inserts a new text node and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).appendBefore(tag, node) | Inserts a new element before the passed-in node,
PicoQ(sel).appendAfter(tag, node) | Inserts a new element after the passed-in node,
PicoQ(sel).replace(tagname) | Replaces the selected node with a new element,
PicoQ(sel).appendHTML(xml) | Inserts a new element with the specified XMLString and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).prepend('xml') | Inserts the DOMString before the first child and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).after('xml') | Inserts the DOMString after the current node and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).before('xml') | Inserts the DOMString before the current node and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).replaceWith('xml') | Replaces the current node by the DOMString and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).text() | Returns the text contents of the element,
PicoQ(sel).text('text') | Sets/Updates the text contents and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).clone(deep) | Clones the selected node if deep is false, clones node and childs if deep is true,
PicoQ(sel).firstChild() | Returns the first child of the selected node,
PicoQ(s).insertChildBefore(n, c) | Inserts the child 'n' before the child 'c' and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).removeChild(child) | Removes the child 'child' and returns this,
PicoQ(sel.replaceChild(n, c) | Replaces the child 'c' by the child 'n' and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).children() | Returns a DOM object with all the node children,
PicoQ(sel).childIndex() | Returns the child index (0 for the first child),
PicoQ(sel).getRect() | Returns the position and size of the node,
PicoQ(sel).css('attr') | Returns the value of the CSS attribute,
PicoQ(sel).css('attr', value) | Sets the value of the CSS attribute and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).getClassList() | Returns the class list as DOMTokenList object,
PicoQ(sel).addClass('class') | Adds that class name and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).addClasses([...]) | Adds an array of classes and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).removeClass('class') | Removes that class name and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).removeClasses([...]) | Removes an array of classes and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).toggleClass('class') | Adds or removes that class name and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).hasClass('class') | Returns true if the node has the class 'class' or false if not,
PicoQ(sel).attr('attr') | Returns the value of the attribute,
PicoQ(sel).attr('attr', value) | Sets the value of the attribute and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).removeAttr('attr') | Removes the attribute and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).animate({prop}, op) | Changes dynamically the CSS attributes,
PicoQ(sel).on(event, listener) | Adds an event listener and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).off(event, listener) | Removes an event listener and returns this,
PicoQ(sel).trigger(event) | Fires an event and returns true or false,
PicoQ(sel).fire(event) | Aliases the 'trigger' method,
PicoQ.fetch() | Performs an asynchronous HTTP request,
PicoQ.get() | Performs an asynchronous HTTP GET request,
PicoQ.getJSON() | Performs an asynchronous HTTP GET request on a JSON file,
PicoQ.post() | Performs an asynchronous HTTP POST request,
PicoQ(sel).load() | Loads data and place the returned HTML into the matched element,
<html lang="en-US">
<div id="app">
<button type="button" class="button1">Click Me!</button>
<div id="app2"></div>
<script type="module">
import $ from './lib/picoq.mjs';
// Listen for a click event:
$('#app').on('click', () => {