Library for testing performance of functions
A pico (very small) library for testing performance of functions. Meant to be used in combination with a unit test framework like Vitest or Jest
Note for TypeScript users
If you are using TypeScript, you should consider transpiling your project first, and then running the benchmark against the transpiled code. This will give a more precise result.
npm i -D picobench
To benchmark function you should use benchSync for synchronous code, and benchAsync for asynchronous code.
The output of the timing functions look like the following:
interface IBenchResult {
* @summary operations per seconds
* @calculation 1 / (average_in_ms / 1000)
ops: number;
* @summary averate time to run in milliseconds
average: number;
* @summary median time to run in milliseconds
median: number;
* @summary slowest run in milliseconds
minimum: number;
* @summary fastest run in milliseconds
maximum: number;
* @summary all runs in milliseconds
runs: number[];
Synchronous code
import { benchSync } from 'picobench';
// or
const { benchSync } = require('picobench');
// or
const benchSync = require('picobench').benchSync;
function dummyFn() {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i += 1) sum += 1;
return sum;
const benchmarkResult = benchSync(dummyFn);
// {
// ops: 1052.6315789473683,
// average: 0.95,
// median: 0.9604999999999999,
// minimum: 0.903,
// maximum: 0.97,
// runs: [0.903, 0.908, 0.951, 0.958, 0.96, 0.961, 0.961, 0.964, 0.964, 0.97]
// }
Synchronous code
import { benchSync } from 'picobench';
// or
const { benchAsync } = require('picobench');
// or
const benchAsync = require('picobench').benchSync;
function dummyFn(n = 1000000): number {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) sum += 1;
return sum;
// if the function doesn't take parameters you can call it like this
const benchmarkResult = benchSync(dummyFn);
// otherwise you will have to call it with a callback function
const benchmarkResult = benchSync(() => dummyFn(10000));
// {
// ops: 1052.6315789473683,
// average: 0.95,
// median: 0.9604999999999999,
// minimum: 0.903,
// maximum: 0.97,
// runs: [0.903, 0.908, 0.951, 0.958, 0.96, 0.961, 0.961, 0.964, 0.964, 0.97]
// }
Asynchronous code
import { benchAsync } from 'picobench';
// or
const { benchAsync } = require('picobench');
// or
const benchAsync = require('picobench').benchAsync;
async function sleep(ms = 500) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// if the function doesn't take parameters you can call it like this
const benchmarkResult = await benchAsync(sleep);
// otherwise you will have to call it like a callback function
const benchmarkResult = await benchAsync(() => await sleep(500));
// {
// ops: 1.996369801153583,
// average: 500.9091999999999,
// median: 500.87800000000004,
// minimum: 500.796,
// maximum: 501.292,
// runs: [500.796, 500.823, 500.851, 500.869, 500.877, 500.879, 500.894, 500.898, 500.913, 501.292]
// }
If you wish to benchmark a function that needs parameters, you have to pass the function as a callback function.
import { benchSync, benchAsync } from 'picobench';
const syncBenchmark = benchSync(() => {
callSomeSyncFunction('param1', 'param2');
const asyncBenchmark = await benchAsync(async () => {
await callSomeAsyncFunc('param1', 'param2');
The same goes if you wish to benchmark code that isn't wrapped in a function already.
import { benchSync } from 'picobench';
const syncBenchmark = benchSync(() => {
const numbers = 1000;
Array.from({ length: numbers }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * numbers));