Automatically archives unread items matching specific (configurable) criteria from the user's list to retain a slim list.
I hate the fact that my Pocket list grows larger and larger as I keep adding articles (manually as well as automatically via services such as ifttt) just because I have a few busy days and therefore cannot keep up with my list. For me, articles that are not read within a few days typicalls are not read at all. Pickpocket aims to automatically remove these items from the user's list using specific (configurable) criteria. Such criteria are:
- lifespan (how old must an article be in order to be deleted)
- source (black-/whitelist certain URLs)
- tag (black-/whitelist certain tags)
- favored / not favored
I will probably add other options while the development of Pickpocket advances.
Undo archiving
If pickpocket archived an item foo that you are totally gonna read sometime in the future - no problem. In any pocket app, go to your archive and re-add it. Also, the item will not be archived by pickpocket again in the near future, because the time_added
for foo is now automatically set to the current time (not the one it was originally added on).
- authorization via
function - archive overdue articles via lifespan and favorited / non-favorited criteria
- adds a dedicated archived by pickpocket tag to items that are archived by pickpocket (this way you have an immediate feedback that pickpocket is poking around in your pocket account)
- whitelisting via tag
- whitelisting via source
see also
- pickpocket-cli that allows Pickpocket to be run via terminal
- pickpocket-webservice that allows Pickpocket to be deployed as a REST-webservice