This package provides some handy functions to retrieve data for Pancakeswap Profile system.
Pancakeswap Profile SDK
This package provides some handy functions to retrieve data for Pancakeswap Profile system.
Table of Contents
Install @pancakeswap/profile-sdk
into your project with npm:
npm install @pancakeswap/profile-sdk --save
or yarn:
yarn add @pancakeswap/profile-sdk
This package requires ethers
, graphql
and graphql-request
to be installed in your project.
# npm
npm install ethers graphql graphql-request --save
# yarn
yarn add ethers graphql graphql-request
First set is to initialize the SDK with the following:
import PancakeProfileSdk from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
const pancakeSdk = new PancakeProfileSdk();
You can pass optional arguments to the constructor:
- custom RPC Provider instance if you want to use custom configuration, if not provided defaults to provider with random node from the list of RPC nodeschainId
- what chain ID to use, if not provided defaults to56
import PancakeProfileSdk from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
const customProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://example.com");
const pancakeSdk = new PancakeProfileSdk(customProvider, 97);
Returns username for a given address. If the address does not have a profile or there is an error - returns empty string ""
import PancakeProfileSdk from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
const pancakeSdk = new PancakeProfileSdk();
const username = pancakeSdk.getUsername("0x123456789");
console.log(username); // "Matatabi"
Returns team information for the team ID. In case of network error returns null. Note that at the moment points
will return 0
for all teams (total team points will be calculated soon).
import PancakeProfileSdk from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
const pancakeSdk = new PancakeProfileSdk();
const team = pancakeSdk.getTeam(1);
// {
// id: 1,
// name: "Syrup Storm",
// description: "The storm's a-comin! Watch out! These bulls are stampeding in a syrupy surge!",
// isJoinable: true,
// users: 55123;
// points: 182500;
// images: images: {
// lg: "syrup-storm-lg.png",
// md: "syrup-storm-md.png",
// sm: "syrup-storm-sm.png",
// alt: "syrup-storm-alt.png",
// ipfs: "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXKzSojwzYjtDCVgR6mVx7w7DbyYpS7zip4ovJB9fQdMG/syrup-storm.png",
// },
// background: syrup-storm-bg.svg;
// textColor: "#191326";
// }
Returns full profile data for a given address. Under the hood retrieves username and team data using getUsername
and getTeam
and combines it with data from the profile contract. If address does not have a profile - returns { hasRegistered: false, profile: null }
. At the moment does not retrieve achievements (see getAchievements).
It also sets profile_${address}
cookie containing username and avatar (now only for pancakeswap.finance domain, maybe configurable in future versions)
import PancakeProfileSdk from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
const pancakeSdk = new PancakeProfileSdk();
const profile = pancakeSdk.getProfile("0x123456789");
// {
// hasRegistered: true
// profile: {
// userId: 6173,
// points: 2500,
// teamId: 1,
// nftAddress: "0x11111111",
// tokenId: 15,
// isActive: true,
// username: "Matatabi",
// nft: {
// name: "Hiccup",
// description: "Oopsie daisy! Hiccup's had a bit of an accident. Poor little fella.",
// images: {
// lg: "hiccup-lg.png",
// md: "hiccup-md.png",
// sm: "hiccup-sm.png",
// ipfs: "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQ6EE6gkVzAQUdQLLM7CyrnME6LZHCoy92ZERW8HXmyjw/hiccup.png",
// },
// sortOrder: 999,
// identifier: 'hiccup'
// type: 'pancake',
// variationId: 10
// },
// team: {
// id: 1,
// name: "Syrup Storm",
// description: "The storm's a-comin! Watch out! These bulls are stampeding in a syrupy surge!",
// isJoinable: true,
// users: 55123,
// points: 182500,
// images: images: {
// lg: "syrup-storm-lg.png",
// md: "syrup-storm-md.png",
// sm: "syrup-storm-sm.png",
// alt: "syrup-storm-alt.png",
// ipfs: "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXKzSojwzYjtDCVgR6mVx7w7DbyYpS7zip4ovJB9fQdMG sy rup-storm.png",
// },
// background: syrup-storm-bg.svg,
// textColor: "#191326"
// },
// hasRegistered: true
// }
// }
Returns array of achievements for a given address. If address has no achievements or no profile at all - returns empty array []
import PancakeProfileSdk from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
const pancakeSdk = new PancakeProfileSdk();
const achievements = pancakeSdk.getAchievements("0x123456789");
// [
// {
// id: "511080000",
// type: "ifo",
// address: "0x123456789",
// title: {
// id: 999,
// fallback: `IFO Shopper: Belt`,
// data: {
// name: "Belt",
// },
// },
// description: {
// id: 999,
// fallback: `Committed more than $5 worth of LP in the Belt IFO`,
// data: {
// name: "Belt",
// },
// },
// badge: "ifo-belt.svg",
// points: 200,
// },
// {
// id: "512010010",
// type: "teambattle",
// address: "0x123456789",
// title: "Easter Participant: Silver",
// badge: "easter-participant-silver.svg",
// points: 500,
// },
// ];
Using images
This package bundles some images within itself, it exports achievementBadges
and teamImages
which are javascript objects with keys matching the image names returned by the API (e.g. "syrup-storm-md.png"
) and values are Base64 encoded images:
import { Team, teamImages } from "@pancakeswap/profile-sdk";
const team = pancakeSdk.getTeam(1);
// ...
return <img src={teamImages[team.images.md]} alt={team.name} width="96px" height="96px" />
Also bunnyPlaceholder
image is exported to provide fallback for e.g. unregistered users.
Current version of this SDK is 90% copy of existing from pancake-frontend repo. There are several improvements to be made in the future versions of this SDK:
- [ ] Better error handling (common bad status codes or broken internet connection)
- [ ] Allow username & avatar cookie to be configurable or optional
- [ ] Validate addresses and don't attempt to fetch data if address is not valid
- [ ] NodeJS support. Currently it works out of the box only in browser. Need to research different options for cross-fetch and choose the one that provides less friction and increases bundle size the least.