React component for the Temperal PhotoSynth image service
PhotoSynth Component for React
This component provides a declarative interface to the PhotoSynth service for rendering images.
npm i photosynth-react
A PhotoSynth key is required and may be passed to the component as the prop psKey
or set with the environment variable REACT_APP_PHOTOSYNTH_KEY
. The latter is preferred to avoid passing in the psKey prop to every instance.
Sign up for a free key at
Image Optimization Props
| Name | Range | Default | Type | Description | -------- | ------- | ------- | ----- | ---------- | | adaptiveHistogram | 0 - 100 | | int | Adaptive histogram level of brightening | blur | 0.02 - 20.0 | | float | Blur strength | brightness | 0.0 - 20.0 | | float | Brightness multiplier | cropBottomPercent | 1 - 99 | | int | Crop bottom percentage | cropLeftPercent | 1 - 99 | | int | Crop left percentage | cropRightPercent | 1 - 99 | | int | Crop right percentage | cropTopPercent | 1 - 99 | | int | Crop top percentage | format | | webp | FormatType | "avif", "gif", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "webp" | gamma | 1.0 - 3.0 | 1 | float | Gamma | greyscale | | falsy | boolean | Greyscale (true/false) | height | 1 - 5000 | | int | Generated image height | hue | 0.0 - 180.0 | | float | Hue shift | lightness | 0.0 - 200.0 | | float | Lightness addition | normalizeLower | 1 - 99 | | int | Normalization lower percentile threshold | normalizeUpper | 1 - 99 | | int | Normalization upper percentile threshold | psKey | | | string | PhotoSynth key (Required if REACT_APP_PHOTOSYNTH_KEY not set) | rotate | -360 - +360 | | float | Rotation degrees | saturation | 0.0 - 20.0 | | float | Saturation level | sharpen | 0.1 - 10.0 | | float | Sharpening level | sourceUrl | | | string | URL of the source image (Required) | width | 1 - 5000 | | int | Generated image width (autosizes if omitted)
Other Props
| Name | Range | Default | Type | Description | -------- | ------- | ------- | ----- | ---------- | | bypass | | falsy | boolean | Load sourceUrl directly without using PhotoSynth | cacheBust | | falsy | boolean, string | If true, bust the cache with random query param. If string, use value as the param value. | cssStyle | | | object| CSS style passed to underlying <div> or <img> | onClick | | | func | click handler | renderElement | | "img" | "div", "img" | Element that the image is rendered with
The optional cssStyle
may be provided to customize the element's behavior. The value is merged with the default:
backgroundPosition: "center",
backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
backgroundSize: "contain",
height: "100%",
minHeight: "50px",
width: "100%",
import { PhotoSynth } from "photosynth-react";
backgroundSize: "cover"
Note that when width
is omitted, the image auto sizes to its container's width.
Usage with other frameworks
The generateUrl()
method is exposed and accepts an object with the same keys as documented above. The resulting URL may be passed as the src
attribute of the <img>
tag or the CSS value background-image: "url(GENERATED_URL)"
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