A plugin for easy and accessible PhotoSwipe initialization
An plugin for easy and accessible PhotoSwipe initialization.
Photoswiper comes with three versions: a Node.js version, an ES module version, and a standalone version that can be used in the browser. All versions will automatically set up event listeners to open the PhotoSwipe instance on click.
- Import Photoswiper
- Instantiate Photoswiper with a gallery element
const Photoswiper = require('photoswiper');
const myGallery = new Photoswiper(document.getElementById('my-gallery'));
ES Module
- Add the script to your document
- Import it and instantiate Photoswiper
<html lang="en">
<!-- ...other head stuff... -->
<script src="scripts/photoswiper.esm.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="scripts/main.js" type="module"></script>
<!-- ...body... -->
import Photoswiper from './scripts/photoswiper.esm.js';
const myGallery = new Photoswiper(document.getElementById('my-gallery'));
- Add the script to your document
- Instantiate Photoswiper with a gallery element
<html lang="en">
<!-- ...other head stuff... -->
<script src="scripts/photoswiper.umd.js" defer></script>
<script src="scripts/main.js" defer></script>
<!-- ...body... -->
"use strict"
var myGallery = new Photoswiper(document.getElementById('my-gallery'));
A few helpful hooks are available on the Photoswiper instance.
Disable the event listeners so that the PhotoSwipe instance isn't triggered on click.
Enable the event listeners so that the PhotoSwipe instance is triggered on click. Note that this is automatically set during instantiation. You only need to call it if you've explicitly disabled the instance.
Switch between enabled/disabled.
#open(index: number, triggerEl: HTMLElement, fromUrl: boolean = false)
Open the PhotoSwipe instance. This is what is called on click.
For example, you can use this to open the PhotoSwipe instance when clicking another element:
// this assumes a button with aria-controls:
// <button id="some-button" aria-controls="id-of-pswp-item">...</button>
// and a gallery item with a data-pid corresponding to its index in the gallery:
// <figure id="id-of-pswp-item" data-pid="2">...</figure>
const triggerBtn = document.getElementById('some-button');
triggerBtn.onclick = function openRelated() {
const related = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('aria-controls'));
const i = parseInt(related.getAttribute('data-pid'), 10);, this);
Photoswiper provides a few extra options in addition to all the PhotoSwipe options.
| Option | Type | Default |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| bemRoot
| string
| undefined |
| onInit
| function
| noop |
| onOpen
| function
| noop |
| PhotoSwipeUI
| function
| The default PhotoSwipe UI. |
| selectors
| object
| See the Selectors documentation. |
Use this to customize your selectors according to BEM BEM conventions. For instance, passing myImages
would cause the figure element selector to become .myImages__figure
instead of .pswp-gallery__figure
onInit(figures: NodeList)
This is called at the end of Photoswiper construction, but before the PhotoSwipe gallery has been opened. Note that PhotoSwipe has an onInit hook that is called when the PhotoSwipe instance opens.
const myGallery = new Photoswiper(galleryEl, {
onInit(figures) {
// do something with the list of figures, such as setting data-pid indices
figures.forEach((figure, i) => {
figure.setAttribute('data-pid', i);
onOpen(pswp: PhotoSwipe instance)
This is called when PhotoSwipe opens. It corresponds to PhotoSwipe's own onInit
const myGallery = new Photoswiper(galleryEl, {
onOpen(pswp) {
// do something with the photoswipe instance
Specify your PhotoSwipe ui function here. Defaults to the default PhotoSwipe UI.
NOTE: this was renamed from "Structure" in v3.0
Photoswiper defaults to semantic element selectors, but all selectors can be explicitly overriden. Optionally use BEM by supplying a bemRoot
class name in the options (e.g. { bemRoot: 'pswp-gallery' }
Elements include:
| Option Name | Default | BEM Output | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| GALLERY | figure
| .${bemRoot}
| The root gallery element. |
| TITLE | figcaption
| .${bemRoot}__title
| The title of the whole gallery. There can only be one of these per gallery, and it must be a direct child of the GALLERY. |
| FIGURE | figure
| .${bemRoot}__figure
| The figure container |
| LINK | a
| .${bemRoot}__link
| The anchor element that contains the full resolution image. |
| THUMB | img
| .${bemRoot}__thumbnail
| The img thumbnail. |
| CAPTION | figcaption
| .${bemRoot}__caption
| Captions for each image. |
| PSWP | .pswp
| N/A | The PhotoSwipe element. |
Example Markup
This example assumes a bemRoot
of "pswp-gallery":
const myGallery = new Photoswiper(galleryEl, { bemRoot: 'pswp-gallery' });
<figure class="pswp-gallery">
<figcaption class="pswp-gallery__title">Kittens</figcaption>
<figure class="pswp-gallery__figure">
<a class="pswp-gallery__link" href="">
<img class="pswp-gallery__thumbnail" src="" alt="An orange and white kitten looks on from behind a doorframe." />
<figcaption class="pswp-gallery__caption">Kittens are tiny cats.</figcaption>
<!-- ...other content... -->
<!-- -->
<div class="pswp">...</div>