A mouseover cycle-through photo gallery (iPhoto-like)
jQuery PhotoRoller Plugin
A mouseover cycle-through photo gallery (iPhoto-like).
jQuery PhotoRoller Plugin puts a set of images one behind another and turns that deck of images into a beautiful slideshow. All you need to do is move the mouse cursor horizontally throughout the deck and all images will show sequentially depending on the x-position of the cursor in the container area. Just like the iPhoto thumbnails preview.
Getting Started
You can download the plugin as an archive.
Or you can grab it by using npm:
npm install photoroller
Or you can grab it by using Bower:
bower install photoroller
Include the script after the jQuery library (unless you package scripts otherwise):
<script src="/path/to/photoroller.min.js"></script>
Also include the stylesheet for the plugin:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/photoroller.css">
To start using you need two basic things:
I. Markup
You can have any markup structure inside of a container which PhotoRoller will be attached to, as long as there are child nodes inside.
So you can have this:
<div id="photoroller">
<div><img src="photos/image001.jpg"></div>
<div><img src="photos/image002.jpg"></div>
<div><img src="photos/image003.jpg"></div>
<div><img src="photos/image004.jpg"></div>
<div><img src="photos/image005.jpg"></div>
or this:
<div id="any-id">
<img src="photos/image001.jpg">
<img src="photos/image002.jpg">
<img src="photos/image003.jpg">
<img src="photos/image004.jpg">
<img src="photos/image005.jpg">
The ID is not necessary to be "photoroller" or even to be there. You can select the container by using class name or any other way you like. You'll find out more in the very next lines.
II. JavaScript
There are two ways of initializing PhotoRoller:
1. The first one is by calling it like a method, attached to an object. So, we can use the plugin for the above markup this way:
$("#any-id").photoroller(); // returns the target object
You can also provide some options. For example, if you want to specify which image to be the first one to show, you can do it by providing its number like this:
startpoint: 3
You can read more about what settings can be provided in the "Options" paragraph.
2. The second way of calling PhotoRoller is as follows:
$.photoroller(); // returns the target object
By calling it so, the plugin will look for only one container with an ID "photoroller". If no such, nothing will happen.
Of course, you can also provide a target object by doing so:
target: $('selector')
nodes: $('selector')
Defines what child nodes to be used. If not provided, the plugin will use all childs.
startpoint: 3 // default: 1
Defines which image to be the first one to show.
jump_back: true // default: false
Defines whether the image should jump back to the startpoint when the mouse leaves the image.
jumppoint_click: false // default: true
If jump_back is active, this option defines whether the image to should jump back to can be set by clicking on the image.
Browsers compatibility
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera
Copyright © 2017 Martin Metodiev. Licensed under the MIT license. See here for more details.