PhonespeakApi - JavaScript client for phonespeak_api PhoneSpeak API v2 This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v2
- Package version: v2
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install phonespeak_api --save
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing
into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your phonespeak_api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
You should now be able to require('phonespeak_api')
in javascript files from the directory you ran the last
command above from.
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually
use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var PhonespeakApi = require('phonespeak_api');
var defaultClient = PhonespeakApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: Authorization
var Authorization = defaultClient.authentications['Authorization'];
Authorization.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//Authorization.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"
var api = new PhonespeakApi.AccountApi()
var id = "id_example"; // {String} account id
var startDate = new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // {Date} start date
var endDate = new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // {Date} end date
var opts = {
'type': 56, // {Number} call type
'size': 56, // {Number} page size
'pageNum': 56 // {Number} page number
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.accountCallUsage(id, startDate, endDate, opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountCallUsage | GET /client/Account/{id}/CallUsage | List of Call Usage PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountCreate | POST /client/Account | Create a single account PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountCreateBillingContact | POST /client/Account/{id}/BillingContact | Create a single billing contact PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountCreateCreditCard | POST /client/Account/{id}/CreditCard | Create credit card PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountCreateInvoice | POST /client/Account/{id}/Invoice | Create invoice PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountCreateSession | POST /client/Account/Session | PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountDelete | DELETE /client/Account/{id} | Delete a single account PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountDeleteBillingContact | DELETE /client/Account/{id}/BillingContact/{contactId} | Delete billing contact PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountDeleteCreditCard | DELETE /client/Account/{id}/CreditCard/{creditCardId} | Delete credit card PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountDeleteMusicOnHold | DELETE /client/Account/{id}/MusicOnHold/{mohId} | Delete MusicOnHold PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountDisableInternationalCall | DELETE /client/Account/{id}/InternationalCall | Disable international call PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountEnableInternationalCall | POST /client/Account/{id}/InternationalCall | Enable international call PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGet | GET /client/Account/{id} | Retrieve a single account PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGetAvailableUserExtension | GET /client/Account/{id}/Extension/Available | Update business hour PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGetBillingContact | GET /client/Account/{id}/BillingContact/{contactId} | Retrieve billing contact details PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGetCreditCard | GET /client/Account/{id}/CreditCard/{creditCardId} | Get credit card details PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGetInvoice | GET /client/Account/{id}/Invoice/{invoiceId} | Get invoice PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGetPhoneNumber | GET /client/Account/{id}/PhoneNumber | Get Account's Phone Number PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountGetPhoneNumberList | GET /client/Account/{id}/PhoneNumberList | Get Account's Phone Number (Manage Number) PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountIsCreditCardExist | GET /client/Account/{id}/CreditCard/Exist | Is Credit card exist PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListAccountPhoneNumber | GET /client/Account/{id}/AccountPhoneNumber | List Phone Number PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListAllowedCountryCode | GET /client/Account/{id}/CallCountryCode | Get list of allowed country code PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListCreditCards | GET /client/Account/{id}/CreditCard | Get list of credit card PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListE911Addresses | GET /client/Account/{id}/E911Address | Retrieve list of E911 address PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListInvoices | GET /client/Account/{id}/Invoice | Get list of invoices. PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListMusicOnHold | GET /client/Account/{id}/MusicOnHold | Get list of MusicOnHolds PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountListRateDeck | GET /client/Account/{id}/RateDeck | PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountTopupCallCredit | PUT /client/Account/{id}/CallCredit | Topup Call Credit PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdate | PUT /client/Account/{id} | Update account PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateAllowedCountryCode | PUT /client/Account/{id}/CallCountryCode | Add allowed country code PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateBillingContact | PUT /client/Account/{id}/BillingContact/{contactId} | Update billing contact PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateCallRecording | PUT /client/Account/{id}/CallRecording | Update Call Recording PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateCompanyAddress | PUT /client/Account/{id}/CompanyAddress | Update company address PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateCreditCard | PUT /client/Account/{id}/CreditCard | Update credit card PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateE911Address | PUT /client/Account/{id}/E911Address | Update E911 address PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateInvoice | PUT /client/Account/{id}/Invoice/{invoiceId} | Update invoice PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateSelectedMusicOnHold | PUT /client/Account/{id}/MusicOnHold/{mohId} | Set MusicOnHold PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateSubscriptionTrial | PUT /client/Account/{id}/Subscription/Trial | PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUpdateTimezone | PUT /client/Account/{id}/Timezone | Update timezone PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountUploadMusicOnHold | POST /client/Account/{id}/MusicOnHold | Upload MusicOnHold PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountVerifyCreditCard | GET /client/Account/CreditCard/Verify | Create credit card PhonespeakApi.AccountApi | accountVerifyInternationalCall | PUT /client/Account/{id}/InternationalCall | Verify international call PhonespeakApi.AuthenticationApi | getBearerAuthToken | POST /token | Authenticates provided credentials and returns an access token PhonespeakApi.BillingApi | billingCheckout | POST /client/Billing/Checkout | PhonespeakApi.BillingApi | billingCreateInvoice | POST /client/Billing/Invoice | PhonespeakApi.BillingApi | billingPaymentTracking | POST /client/Billing/Payment/Tracking | PhonespeakApi.BillingApi | billingUpdateSubscription | POST /client/Billing/Subscription | PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrCallLogExport | POST /client/Cdr/{accountId}/CallLogExport | Call Log PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrCreate | POST /client/Cdr | Create a single cdr PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrCreateCallRecording | POST /client/Cdr/{ownerId}CallRecording/{participant}/Participant | Create Call Recording PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrDelete | DELETE /client/Cdr/{id} | Delete a single cdr PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrDeleteCallLog | DELETE /client/Cdr/{cdrId}/CallLog | Call Log PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrDeleteCallRecording | DELETE /client/Cdr/{id}/CallRecording | Delete Call Recording PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrDeleteCallSession | DELETE /client/Cdr/{accountId}/CallSession | Delete Call Session PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrDeleteRecentCall | DELETE /client/Cdr/{id}/RecentCalls/{teammateId} | Delete recent call PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrGet | GET /client/Cdr/{id} | Retrieve a single cdr PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrGetCallRecording | GET /client/Cdr/{ownerId}/CallRecording/{id} | Get Call Recording PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrList | GET /client/Cdr/{accountId}/List | List all cdrs by account, team mate or team PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListCallLog | POST /client/Cdr/{accountId}/CallLog | Call Log PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListCallRecording | GET /client/Cdr/{ownerId}/CallRecording | List Call Recording PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListCallSession | GET /client/Cdr/{accountId}/CallSession | List Call Session PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListRecentActivity | GET /client/Cdr/{id}/RecentActivity/{participant} | Get all recent call PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListRecentCalls | GET /client/Cdr/{id}/RecentCalls | Get all recent call PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListRecentCalls_0 | POST /client/Cdr/{id}/RecentCalls/dummyendpoint | Get all recent call PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrListTeamRecentCall | GET /client/Cdr/{id}/TeamRecentCalls | Get all team recent call PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrUnreadRecentCallCount | GET /client/Cdr/{id}/RecentCalls/UnreadCount | Total Unread Recent PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrUpdateCallRecording | PUT /client/Cdr/{id}/CallRecording | Update Call Recording PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrUpdateExtensionStatus | POST /client/Cdr/Extension | Portsip update extension status PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrUpdateRecentCallsRead | PUT /client/Cdr/{id}/RecentCalls/Read | Update recent call read PhonespeakApi.CdrApi | cdrUpdateTeamRecentCallReadStatus | PUT /client/Cdr/{id}/TeamRecentCalls/{ownerId}/Read | Get all team recent call PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatArchiveConversation | PUT /client/Chat/Archive/{id} | Archive conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatCreateConversation | POST /client/Chat/Conversation | Create conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatCreateMessage | POST /client/Chat/Message | Send Message PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatDeleteConversation | DELETE /client/Chat/Conversation/{conversationId} | Delete Conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatDeleteMessage | DELETE /client/Chat/Message/{messageId} | Delete Message PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatGetConversation | GET /client/Chat/Conversation/{conversationId} | Get Conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatGetExistingConversation | POST /client/Chat/ExistingConversation | Get Existing Conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatGetUnreadConversationCount | GET /client/Chat/UnreadConversationCount/{teammateId} | Get Unread Conversation Count PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatListConversation | GET /client/Chat/Conversation | List the conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatPinConversation | PUT /client/Chat/Pin/{id} | Pin conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatSendSMS | POST /client/Chat/{id}/sms | Testing PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatUnArchiveConversation | PUT /client/Chat/UnArchive/{id} | UnArchive conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatUnpinConversation | PUT /client/Chat/Unpin/{id} | Unpin conversation PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatUpdateAllMessagesToRead | PUT /client/Chat/UpdateAllMessagesToRead/{teammateId} | Update all conversation's messages to read PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatUpdateGroupImage | PUT /client/Chat/GroupImage/{conversationId} | Update Group Image PhonespeakApi.ChatApi | chatUpdateGroupName | PUT /client/Chat/GroupName/{conversationId} | Update Group Name PhonespeakApi.CloudSoftPhoneApi | cloudSoftPhoneFetchMessage | POST /CloudSoftPhone/Message/Fetch | List all contacts PhonespeakApi.CloudSoftPhoneApi | cloudSoftPhoneListContacts | GET /CloudSoftPhone/Contact | List all contacts PhonespeakApi.CloudSoftPhoneApi | cloudSoftPhoneLogin | GET /CloudSoftPhone/Prov | Login PhonespeakApi.CloudSoftPhoneApi | cloudSoftPhonePushTokenReporter | POST /CloudSoftPhone/PushToken | List all contacts PhonespeakApi.CloudSoftPhoneApi | cloudSoftPhoneSendMessage | POST /CloudSoftPhone/Message | List all contacts PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberAddPhoneNumber | POST /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/PhoneNumber | Add Phone Number for Company Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberCreate | POST /client/CompanyNumber | Create a single Company Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberCreateIvr | POST /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr | Create Company Number's ivr PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberDelete | DELETE /client/CompanyNumber/{id} | Delete a single Company Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberDeleteIvr | DELETE /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber} | Delete Company Number's ivr PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberDeleteIvrGreeting | DELETE /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting/{greetingId} | Delete Ivr Greeting File PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberDeletePhoneNumber | DELETE /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/PhoneNumber/{phoneNumberId} | Delete Phone Number for Company Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberGet | GET /client/CompanyNumber/{id} | Retrieve a single Company Number by id PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberIvrConvertTextToSpeech | POST /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting/SpeechGreeting | Ivr Convert text to speech PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberList | GET /client/CompanyNumber | List all Company Numbers by account PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberListAvailableTeammates | GET /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/ListAvailableTeammates | Get Teammate list for company number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberListIvrGreetings | GET /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting | List Ivr Greetings for a team PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdate | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id} | Update a single Company Number by id PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateBusinessHour | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/BusinessHour | Update Company Number Business Hour by id PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateCallerIdPermission | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/CallerIdPermission | Add teammate for Company Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateClosedHourHandling | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/ClosedHourHandling | Update Company Number Closed Hour Handling PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateIvrKey | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/IvrKey/{keyNumber} | Update Ivr Key PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateIvrName | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Name/{ivrName} | Update Company Number's ivr PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateIvrTimeout | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber} | Update Ivr Timeout PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateOpenHourHandling | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/OpenHourHandling | Update Company Number Open Hour Handling PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdatePhoneNumber | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/PhoneNumber/{phoneNumberId} | Add Phone Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateSMSHandling | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Sms/SMSHandling | Update SMS Handling for Company Number PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUpdateSelectedIvrGreeting | PUT /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting/{greetingId} | Update/Set a Company Number's default Voicemail Greeting PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumberApi | companyNumberUploadIvrGreeting | POST /client/CompanyNumber/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting | Upload Ivr Greeting File PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactBlock | PUT /client/Contact/{id}/Block | Block contact (either contactId or callerNumber) PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactBlockedList | GET /client/Contact/{id}/BlockedList | List all blocked contacts and number PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactCreate | POST /client/Contact/{id}/Create | Create a single contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactDelete | DELETE /client/Contact/{id}/Delete/{contactId} | Delete a single contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactExportContact | GET /client/Contact/{teammateId}/Export | Import Contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactFavourite | PUT /client/Contact/{id}/Favourite/{contactId} | SetFavourite contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactGet | GET /client/Contact/{id}/Get/{contactId} | Retrieve a single contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactGetFolder | GET /client/Contact/{id}/Folder/{folderId} | Retrieve folder by id PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactGetFolderList | GET /client/Contact/{id}/Folder | List all folder PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactImportContact | POST /client/Contact/{teammateId}/Import | Import Contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactList | GET /client/Contact/{id}/List | List all contacts by team mate PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactSharedList | GET /client/Contact/{id}/SharedList | List all shared contacts by team mate PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactUnBlock | PUT /client/Contact/{id}/UnBlock | UnBlock contact (either contactId or callerNumber) PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactUnFavourite | PUT /client/Contact/{id}/UnFavourite/{contactId} | UnFavourite contact PhonespeakApi.ContactApi | contactUpdate | PUT /client/Contact/{id}/Update | Update a single contact PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrAddNumber | PUT /client/Csr/Number/{id} | Add Phone Number PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrApplyInvoiceCoupon | POST /client/Csr/Account/{id}/InvoiceCoupon | Apply Invoice Coupon PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrApplySubscriptionCoupon | POST /client/Csr/Account/{id}/SubscriptionCoupon | Apply Subscription Coupon PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCallLogExport | GET /client/Csr/CallLog/Export | Export Call Log PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCheckLnp | POST /client/Csr/Account/Portin/CheckLnp | Check Lnp PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCompleteOrder | PUT /client/Csr/Order/{orderId}/Complete | Complete Order PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCreate | POST /client/Csr/Representative | Create a single Csr user PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCreateAccount | POST /client/Csr/Account | Create a single account PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCreateLnp | POST /client/Csr/Account/{accountId}/Portin | Create Lnp PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrCreateProduct | POST /client/Csr/Product | Create Product PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrDelete | DELETE /client/Csr/Representative/{id} | Delete a single Csr user PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrDeleteLnp | DELETE /client/Csr/Account/{accountId}/Portin/{orderId} | Delete Lnp PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrDeleteTeammate | DELETE /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Teammate/{teammateId} | Delete a single teammate PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrForgotPassword | POST /client/Csr/ForgotPassword | Csr Forgot password PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGet | GET /client/Csr/Representative/{id} | Retrieve a single Csr user PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGetAccount | GET /client/Csr/Account/{id} | Retrieve a single account PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGetCallLog | GET /client/Csr/CallLog/{id} | List all call log PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGetLnp | GET /client/Csr/Account/{accountId}/Portin/{orderId} | Get Lnp PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGetOrder | GET /client/Csr/Order/{orderId} | Get Order PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGetUncoveredRate | GET /client/Csr/RateDeck/UncoveredRate | Get current Uncovered Rate PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrGiveCredit | POST /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Credit | Give Credit PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrImportRateDeck | POST /client/Csr/RateDeck/Import | Import Rate Deck PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrList | GET /client/Csr/Representative | Retrieve list of Csr users PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListAccountCompanyNumber | GET /client/Csr/Account/{id}/CompanyNumber | List all Company Numbers by account PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListAccountPhoneNumber | GET /client/Csr/Account/{id}/PhoneNumber | List Phone Number PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListAccountTeammate | GET /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Teammate | Get all teammates by account PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListAccounts | GET /client/Csr/Account | Retrieve list of all accounts PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListCallLog | GET /client/Csr/CallLog | List all call log PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListCharge | GET /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Charge | List Charge PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListLnp | POST /client/Csr/Account/Portin/ListLnp | List Lnp PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListOrder | GET /client/Csr/Order/List | List Order PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrListPhysicalPhoneByOrderId | GET /client/Csr/Account/{id}/PhysicalPhone/{orderId} | List Physical Phone by orderId PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrLogin | POST /client/Csr/Login | Login PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrManualCharge | POST /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Charge | Manual Charge PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrMoveNumber | PUT /client/Csr/Number/{id}/Move | Move Number PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrRefund | GET /client/Csr/Account/{accountId}/Refund/{chargeId} | Create Refund PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdate | PUT /client/Csr/Representative/{id} | Update a single Csr user PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateAccountDetails | PUT /client/Csr/Account/{id} | Update account PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateAccountPackage | PUT /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Package | Update account package PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateAccountSetting | PUT /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Setting | Update Setting PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateAccountStatus | PUT /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Status | Update Account Status PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateCsrPassword | PUT /client/Csr/Representative/{id}/Password | Update a single Csr User Password PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateMacAddress | PUT /client/Csr/Account/{id}/PhysicalPhone | Update Physical Phone Mac Address PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateReferenceId | PUT /client/Csr/Order/{orderId}/Reference/{referenceId} | Update Reference Id PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateShippingAddress | PUT /client/Csr/Order/{orderId}/Address | Update Shipping Address PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateTollFreeRateDeck | PUT /client/Csr/RateDeck/TollFree | Update TollFree RateDeck PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateTrackingLink | POST /client/Csr/Order/{orderId}/Tracking | Update Tracking Link PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUpdateUncoveredRateDeck | PUT /client/Csr/RateDeck/UncoveredRate | Update Uncovered RateDeck PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUploadLoas | PUT /client/Csr/Account/{id}/Portin/{orderId}/UploadLoas | Upoad Loas PhonespeakApi.CsrApi | csrUploadProfileImage | POST /client/Csr/Representative/{id}/ProfileImage | Upload profile image (format-accepted: .gif |.jpg |.jpeg |.png) PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneAddToCart | POST /client/deskphone/Cart | Add to Cart PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneConfirmOrder | PUT /client/deskphone/Order/Confirm/{orderId} | Confirm Order PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneDeleteAllCartByOwnerId | DELETE /client/deskphone/Cart/Owner/{ownerId} | Delete All Cart By Owner Id PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneDeleteCart | DELETE /client/deskphone/Cart/{cartId} | Delete Single cart PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneGetCart | GET /client/deskphone/Cart/{cartId} | Get Single cart PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneGetOrder | GET /client/deskphone/Order/{orderId} | Get Order PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneGetProduct | GET /client/deskphone/Product/{productId} | Get Product PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneListCart | GET /client/deskphone/Cart/{ownerId}/List | Get List of Cart by owner id PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneListDeskPhone | GET /client/deskphone/DeskPhone/List | List DeskPhone PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneListOrder | GET /client/deskphone/Order/{ownerId}/List | List Order by OwnerId PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneListProduct | GET /client/deskphone/Product | Get List of Product PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneListShippingOption | GET /client/deskphone/ShippingOption/List | List Shipping Option PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhonePlaceOrder | POST /client/deskphone/Order/Place | Place Order PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneUpdateCart | PUT /client/deskphone/Cart/{cartId} | Update Single cart PhonespeakApi.DeskPhoneApi | deskPhoneUpdateCarts | PUT /client/deskphone/Cart | Update List of Cart PhonespeakApi.EmailApi | emailCreate | POST /client/Email/Create | Create a single email template PhonespeakApi.EmailApi | emailDelete | DELETE /client/Email/{templateid}/Delete | Delete email template PhonespeakApi.EmailApi | emailGet | GET /client/Email/{templateid}/Get | Retrieve a single email template by id PhonespeakApi.EmailApi | emailList | GET /client/Email/List | Retrieve list of email templates PhonespeakApi.EmailApi | emailUpdate | PUT /client/Email/{id}/Update | Update a single email template PhonespeakApi.NoteApi | noteCreate | POST /client/note/Create | Create a single note PhonespeakApi.NoteApi | noteDelete | DELETE /client/note/{noteId} | Delete note PhonespeakApi.NoteApi | noteGet | GET /client/note/{noteId} | Retrieve a single Note PhonespeakApi.NoteApi | noteList | GET /client/note/{ownerId}/List | List Notes PhonespeakApi.NoteApi | noteUpdate | PUT /client/note/{noteId} | Update note PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberGet | POST /client/Number/Get | Get List of Numbers PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberGetAreaCode | GET /client/Number/GetAreaCodes | Get Area Codes PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberGetPhoneNumDetails | GET /client/Number/GetPhoneNumDetails | Get Phone Number Detail PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberGetStates | GET /client/Number/GetStates | Get available states PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberGetUserState | GET /client/Number/UserState | PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberMoveNumber | PUT /client/Number/{id}/Move | Move Number PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberReserve | POST /client/Number/Reserve | Reserve Number PhonespeakApi.NumberApi | numberValidateE911Address | POST /client/Number/E911Address | Validate the E911 address PhonespeakApi.ServiceApi | serviceInsertGLog | POST /client/Service/GLog | Insert GLog PhonespeakApi.SmsApi | smsCreateBandwidthSmsInbound | POST /client/Sms/Bandwidth | Receive SMS from Bandwidth PhonespeakApi.SmsApi | smsCreateBandwidthSmsInboundV2 | POST /client/Sms/Bandwidth/v2 | Receive SMS from Bandwidth PhonespeakApi.SmsApi | smsCreateIntelliquentSmsInbound | POST /client/Sms/Inteliquent | Receive SMS from Inteliquent PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionCreatePackage | POST /client/subscription/Package | Create Package PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionCreateUrl | POST /client/subscription/Url/Create | Create Url PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionDelete | DELETE /client/subscription/Package/{id} | Delete a single package PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionDeleteUrl | DELETE /client/subscription/Url/{urlId} | Delete Url PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionGetUrl | GET /client/subscription/Url/{urlId} | Get Single Url PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListInvoiceCoupon | GET /client/subscription/Coupon/Invoice | List Invoice Coupon PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListPackage | GET /client/subscription/Package | List all Package PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListPackagePlan | GET /client/subscription/Package/Plan | List all plan PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListPlan | GET /client/subscription/Plan/{packageId} | List Plan PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListStripeProduct | GET /client/subscription/StripeProduct/List | Get List of Stripe Product PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListSubscriptionCoupon | GET /client/subscription/Coupon/Subscription | List Subscription Coupon PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionListUrl | GET /client/subscription/Url/List | Get list of url PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionUpdatePackage | PUT /client/subscription/Package/{id} | Update Package PhonespeakApi.SubscriptionApi | subscriptionUpdateUrl | PUT /client/subscription/Url/{urlId} | Update Url PhonespeakApi.SupportApi | supportGetLocation | GET /client/Support/Location | PhonespeakApi.SupportApi | supportSupportSendEmail | POST /client/Support/Email | PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamConvertTextToSpeech | POST /client/Team/{id}/VoicemailGreeting/SpeechGreeting | Convert text to speech PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamCreate | POST /client/Team | Create a single team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamCreateIvr | POST /client/Team/{id}/Ivr | Create team's ivr PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamDelete | DELETE /client/Team/{id} | Delete a single team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamDeleteIvr | DELETE /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber} | Delete team's ivr PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamDeleteIvrGreeting | DELETE /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting/{greetingId} | Delete Ivr Greeting File PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamDeleteMusicOnHold | DELETE /client/Team/{id}/MusicOnHold/{mohId} | Delete MusicOnHold file PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamDeleteVoicemailGreeting | DELETE /client/Team/{id}/VoicemailGreeting/{voicemailId} | Delete Voicemail Greeting File PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamGet | GET /client/Team/{id} | Retrieve a single team by id PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamIvrConvertTextToSpeech | POST /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting/SpeechGreeting | Ivr Convert text to speech PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamList | GET /client/Team | List all teams by account PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamListAvailableNumber | GET /client/Team/{id}/AvailableNumber | List Caller Id PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamListAvailableTeammates | GET /client/Team/{id}/ListAvailableTeammates | Get Teammate list for team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamListIvrGreetings | GET /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting | List Ivr Greetings for a team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamListMusicOnHold | GET /client/Team/{id}/MusicOnHold | List MusicOnHolds for team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamListTeamsByTeammate | GET /client/Team/Teammate | List all teams by teammate PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamListVoicemailGreetings | GET /client/Team/{id}/VoicemailGreeting | List Voicemail Greetings for a team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamTeamSummary | GET /client/Team/{teamId}/TeamSummary | Team Summary PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdate | PUT /client/Team/{id} | Update a single team PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateBusinessHour | PUT /client/Team/{id}/BusinessHour | Update team business hour PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateCallQueue | PUT /client/Team/{id}/CallQueue | Update team's call queue PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateCallRouting | PUT /client/Team/{id}/CallRouting | Update team call routing PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateClosedHourHandling | PUT /client/Team/{id}/ClosedHourHandling | Update team close hour call handling PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateIvrKey | PUT /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/IvrKey/{keyNumber} | Update Ivr Key PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateIvrName | PUT /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Name/{ivrName} | Update team's ivr PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateIvrTimeout | PUT /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber} | Update Ivr Timeout PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateMissedCallHandling | PUT /client/Team/{id}/MissedCallHandling | Update team miss call handling PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateOpenHourHandling | PUT /client/Team/{id}/OpenHourHandling | Update team open hour call handling PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateRingGroup | PUT /client/Team/{id}/RingGroup | Update team's ring group PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateSelectedIvrGreeting | PUT /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting/{greetingId} | Update/Set a Team's default Voicemail Greeting PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateSelectedMusicOnHold | PUT /client/Team/{id}/MusicOnHold/{mohId} | Update/Set team's default MusicOnHold PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateSelectedVoicemailGreeting | PUT /client/Team/{id}/VoicemailGreeting/{voicemailId} | Update/Set a Team's default Voicemail Greeting PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUpdateTeammate | PUT /client/Team/{id}/Teammate | Update team's teammate list PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUploadIvrGreeting | POST /client/Team/{id}/Ivr/{ivrNumber}/Greeting | Upload Ivr Greeting File PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUploadMusicOnHold | POST /client/Team/{id}/MusicOnHold | Upload MusicOnHold File PhonespeakApi.TeamApi | teamUploadVoicemailGreeting | POST /client/Team/{id}/VoicemailGreeting | Upload Voicemail Greeting File PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateAddDnd | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/Dnd | Add Dnd Team PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateAddPhoneNumber | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/PhoneNumber | Add Phone Number PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateAuthenticate | POST /client/Teammate/{accountId}/Authenticate/{id} | PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateAvailableContactList | GET /client/Teammate/{id}/AvailableContactList | Get all available number of teammate PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateConvertTextToSpeech | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/VoicemailGreeting/SpeechGreeting | Convert text to speech(voicemail greeting) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateCreate | POST /client/Teammate | Create a single teammate (PreCond : Get and reserve the number to create the teammate) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateDelete | DELETE /client/Teammate/{id} | Delete a single teammate PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateDeletePhoneNumber | DELETE /client/Teammate/{id}/PhoneNumber/{phoneNumberId} | Delete Phone Number PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateDeleteVoicemailGreeting | DELETE /client/Teammate/{id}/VoicemailGreeting/{voicemailId} | Delete voicemail greeting PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateDummyEndpointAvailableContactList | GET /client/Teammate/{id}/AvailableContactList/DummyEndpoint | Get all available number of teammate (Dummy Endpoint) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateGet | GET /client/Teammate/{id} | Retrieve a single teammate PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateGetTeammateEmail | GET /client/Teammate/GetTeammateEmail | Check email is exist PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateList | GET /client/Teammate | Get all teammates PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateListAvailableUseNumber | GET /client/Teammate/{id}/AvailableUseNumber | List Caller Id PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateListVoicemailGreetings | GET /client/Teammate/{id}/VoicemailGreeting | Get list of voicemail greetings PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateLogin | POST /client/Teammate/Login | Login PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateLoginImpersonate | POST /client/Teammate/{accountId}/Impersonate/{id} | Impersonate login PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateNewPassword | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/NewPassword | Login and change password. PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateProcessOnBoarding | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/ProcessOnBoarding | On boarding for first time teammate (included create extension) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateRemoveDnd | DELETE /client/Teammate/{id}/Dnd | Remove Dnd Team PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateResendActivation | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/Activation | Resend activation email PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateResetPassword | POST /client/Teammate/ResetPassword | Forgot password PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateResetPassword_0 | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/ResetPassword | Admin reset teammate's password PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateSearchContact | GET /client/Teammate/{teammateId}/SearchContact | List contact by teammate PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateSearchMessage | GET /client/Teammate/{teammateId}/SearchMessage | List message by teammate PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUnreadCount | GET /client/Teammate/{id}/UnreadCount | Total Unread PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdate | PUT /client/Teammate/{id} | Update details PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateBusinessHour | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/BusinessHour | Update business hour PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateCallRecording | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/CallRecording | Update voicemail pin PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateCallWaiting | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/CallWaiting | Update call waiting setting PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateChangePasswordStatus | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/ChangePasswordStatus | Update change password status (required to change the password after login.) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateDefaultCallerId | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/CallerId/{phoneNumberId} | Update default Caller Id PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateE911Address | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/E911Address | Update E911 address PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateE911AddressList | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/E911AddressList | Update E911 address List PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateEmail | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/Email | Update email PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateMissedCallHandling | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/MissedCallHandling | Update miss call handling PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateOnboardingStatus | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/OnboardingStatus | Update onboarding status (required to go through on boarding process after login) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateOnlineStatus | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/OnlineStatus | Update online status PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdatePassword | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/UpdatePassword | Teammate update self password PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdatePbxOnlineStatus | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/PbxOnlineStatus | Update Pbx online status PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdatePhoneNumber | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/PhoneNumber/{phoneNumberId} | Update Phone Number PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateSelectedVoicemailGreeting | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/VoicemailGreeting/{voicemailId} | Set voicemail greeting PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateStatus | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/Status | Update status PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUpdateVoicemailPin | PUT /client/Teammate/{id}/VoicemailPin | Update voicemail pin PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUploadProfileImage | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/ProfileImage | Upload profile image (format-accepted: .gif |.jpg |.jpeg |.png) PhonespeakApi.TeammateApi | teammateUploadVoicemailGreeting | POST /client/Teammate/{id}/VoicemailGreeting | Upload voicemail greeting PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailDelete | DELETE /client/Voicemail/{id} | Delete a single voicemail PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailList | GET /client/Voicemail/{ownerId} | List all voicemails by owner id PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailListDummyEndPoint | GET /client/Voicemail/{ownerId}/dummyendpoint | List all voicemails by owner id PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailUnreadVoicemailCount | GET /client/Voicemail/{id}/UnreadCount | Total Unread Voicemail PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailUpdateAllVoicemailReadStatus | PUT /client/Voicemail/{ownerId}/Read | Update all voicemail read status PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailUpdateVoicemailReadStatus | PUT /client/Voicemail/{ownerId}/Read/{id} | Update voicemail read status PhonespeakApi.VoicemailApi | voicemailUpdateVoicemailUnreadStatus | PUT /client/Voicemail/{ownerId}/Unread/{id} | Update voicemail unread status
Documentation for Models
- PhonespeakApi.Account
- PhonespeakApi.AccountCurrentExtension
- PhonespeakApi.AccountSetting
- PhonespeakApi.AddCompanyNumberInfo
- PhonespeakApi.AddTeammateInfo
- PhonespeakApi.Address
- PhonespeakApi.Authentication
- PhonespeakApi.AvailableNumber
- PhonespeakApi.BandwidthPortin
- PhonespeakApi.BandwidthPortinSearch
- PhonespeakApi.BillingAddress
- PhonespeakApi.BillingContact
- PhonespeakApi.BusinessHour
- PhonespeakApi.CallHandlingClosedHour
- PhonespeakApi.CallHandlingOpenHour
- PhonespeakApi.CallLog
- PhonespeakApi.CallQueue
- PhonespeakApi.CallRecording
- PhonespeakApi.CallTarget
- PhonespeakApi.Cart
- PhonespeakApi.Cdr
- PhonespeakApi.Charges
- PhonespeakApi.ChatFile
- PhonespeakApi.CompanyNumber
- PhonespeakApi.Contact
- PhonespeakApi.Conversation
- PhonespeakApi.Country
- PhonespeakApi.CouponDetail
- PhonespeakApi.CreateConversation
- PhonespeakApi.CreditCard
- PhonespeakApi.CspFetchMessageRequest
- PhonespeakApi.CspPushToken
- PhonespeakApi.CspSendMessage
- PhonespeakApi.CsrAccount
- PhonespeakApi.CsrUser
- PhonespeakApi.DeskphoneMacAddress
- PhonespeakApi.E911
- PhonespeakApi.E911Address
- PhonespeakApi.EmailTemplate
- PhonespeakApi.GLog
- PhonespeakApi.GetNumber
- PhonespeakApi.Greeting
- PhonespeakApi.IncomingMessage
- PhonespeakApi.InlineResponse200
- PhonespeakApi.InteliquentSMSInbound
- PhonespeakApi.Invoice
- PhonespeakApi.InvoiceItem
- PhonespeakApi.Item
- PhonespeakApi.Ivr
- PhonespeakApi.IvrKey
- PhonespeakApi.IvrTimeOut
- PhonespeakApi.LastLogin
- PhonespeakApi.Message
- PhonespeakApi.MessageDetail
- PhonespeakApi.MissedCallHandling
- PhonespeakApi.ModelPackage
- PhonespeakApi.MusicOnHold
- PhonespeakApi.Order
- PhonespeakApi.OrderPaymentInfo
- PhonespeakApi.PbxCallStatus
- PhonespeakApi.PhoneNumber
- PhonespeakApi.Product
- PhonespeakApi.ProfileImage
- PhonespeakApi.RateDeck
- PhonespeakApi.ReserveNumber
- PhonespeakApi.ResetPasswordOption
- PhonespeakApi.RingGroup
- PhonespeakApi.SMSHandling
- PhonespeakApi.ShippingInfo
- PhonespeakApi.SignupInfo
- PhonespeakApi.SmsInbound
- PhonespeakApi.StripeCharge
- PhonespeakApi.StripeInfo
- PhonespeakApi.SupportEmail
- PhonespeakApi.Team
- PhonespeakApi.Teammate
- PhonespeakApi.TextToSpeechInfo
- PhonespeakApi.TrackingRequest
- PhonespeakApi.Url
- PhonespeakApi.Voicemail
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header